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Political Thread

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Imagine the Kardashians in the White House. Lol!
5 years ago nobody thought Trump could ever win the white house or be in it but look right now who's there. I would laugh myself to death if Kanye won in a landslide as the left moderates and right moderates reject Trump and Biden and elect him.
5 years ago nobody thought Trump could ever win the white house or be in it but look right now who's there. I would laugh myself to death if Kanye won in a landslide as the left moderates and right moderates reject Trump and Biden and elect him.

The funny part is he is setting himself up well for 2024 in any case. Of course if he does get on the ticket and influence the election, the Hollywood types will of course be all in the 2024 election as well.
Curious what Kanye is running for. Republican, Independent? He can’t take down Trump, but a third party candidate seems interesting. Wasn’t Perot in ‘92 the last real third party candidate?
You served to protect our way of life. You took an oath that never expires. Our way of life includes the First Amendment. The SCOTUS has determined that burning the flag is in fact free speech and falls under the First Amendment. You served to give people that right. You don’t have to like it, but you should honor your commitment. Making veiled threats is not honoring your sacrifice.
You have no idea what I have sacrificed bud so don't lecture me on what YOU think my commitment is. As for the threat, it was not veiled at all, I thought it was pretty clear
Kanye is a trump supporter. Him being in will pull votes from trump.

If you say so. But I believe this helps Trump more then it does Biden. Look Biden has 90-95% of the black vote If polls are to believed. About all Kanye can do is chip into Biden’s black vote support. Meaning good for Trump

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Kayne West is running for president.

Well, I was hoping a high quality moderate with sound mind would run as an independent to give me a viable alternative to Biden. This may be the guy. He's appears to me to be infinitely more presidential than Trump. Pres. West has a nice ring to it. Let's do this!

But I do wonder if he's running to help his buddy, Trump., by taking a good number of moderate voters from Biden. Hmmmm.
what's more awful, the blatant steering of opinion, or the fact that the second phrase is more historically accurate?

Nothing's more awful than Communist News Network. Even Trump! And he's pretty awful!
If you say so. But I believe this helps Trump more then it does Biden. Look Biden has 90-95% of the black vote If polls are to believed. About all Kanye can do is chip into Biden’s black vote support. Meaning good for Trump

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You believe everything and anything helps Trump. Curious what someone without massive MAGA blinders on 24-7 actually thinks.
So how do we know trump screwed up the covid response?

Let me count the ways.

1) he is now distancing himself from the response. This is to give time to people in the hopes they will forget his atrocious response by election day.

2) there is no 2 only 1.

If you say so. But I believe this helps Trump more then it does Biden. Look Biden has 90-95% of the black vote If polls are to believed. About all Kanye can do is chip into Biden’s black vote support. Meaning good for Trump

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If you think Kanye running helps anyone, you’re deluded. Get a grip.
If you say so. But I believe this helps Trump more then it does Biden. Look Biden has 90-95% of the black vote If polls are to believed. About all Kanye can do is chip into Biden’s black vote support. Meaning good for Trump

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So far every time someone posts something, you think it “helps Trump”. I want to know where exactly you stand geopolitically. Explain to me your world view and where the United States, as a beacon of Freedom and Democracy, should place itself on the world stage. Make me understand how, in your own words, a Trump win would strengthen our standing among the G7. I’d also like to know where you want to see the United States improve itself in trade partnerships. Give me your views on NAFTA and the TPP. What about the Keystone pipeline? Can you adequately explain what exactly we can look forward to with another four years of Trump? Economically, socially, politically, and Constitutionally? Please @Jesse89 enlighten me. Don’t give me the usual Trump good, Democrat bad, durr, durr, durr. Don’t give me cut and paste answers. I want well thought out answers from your POV.
So far every time someone posts something, you think it “helps Trump”. I want to know where exactly you stand geopolitically. Explain to me your world view and where the United States, as a beacon of Freedom and Democracy, should place itself on the world stage. Make me understand how, in your own words, a Trump win would strengthen our standing among the G7. I’d also like to know where you want to see the United States improve itself in trade partnerships. Give me your views on NAFTA and the TPP. What about the Keystone pipeline? Can you adequately explain what exactly we can look forward to with another four years of Trump? Economically, socially, politically, and Constitutionally? Please @Jesse89 enlighten me. Don’t give me the usual Trump good, Democrat bad, durr, durr, durr. Don’t give me cut and paste answers. I want well thought out answers from your POV.
Dang, you are asking a lot. If they answer back, you should show the courtesy of replying with your views in this amount of detail, also. Imo
Dang, you are asking a lot. If they answer back, you should show the courtesy of replying with your views in this amount of detail, also. Imo

My first thought went back to the movie grumpy old men and a very iconic quote in that movie........do you know the quote?
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