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Political Thread

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It’s in a history book. War of 1812. Francis Scott Key. Fort McHenry. Baltimore Harbor. The music is actually an old English drinking song. Your children should be aware that blacks were considered 3/5 of a person during that time period. Also they were more likely to be considered property in the south rather than a person.
No $H!t..,. And how does this equate ti 2020? Because we all know the part of " home of the free " is now in play today.
At what cost is it worth keeping the spotlight on the plight constantly, incessantly? When does personal responsibility ever come into account?

these quotes are jacked up.... but my answer would be always. But....I just don’t have a problem with the spotlight being on the black plight.
When it results in people being constantly offended and not empowered that is the problem. I don't care what color you are if you live life being offended at everybody and everything you will never be successful.
Education, skills,2 parent households... are all issues that need to be addressed but need to be addressed with help of the black communities. Black on black crime is ramped.
Gang violence for sure. If I was living in some of those he’ll holes I’d be a gangster too. Probably the only way some can even survive. It’s a nasty circle.
As a POC (I’m Hispanic) I experience racism weekly. My daughters do as well. In school it is always little snide comments like, “Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN’T?” It’s worse for blacks. I’m not going to say anything else because you can’t make some people see the forest for the trees. Just because YOU DON’T SEE RACISM, IT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S NOT THERE. Keep your fcking heads in the sand. I wish you could experience a tenth of what I have.
but he’s not there and doesn’t show any signs of serious cognitive decline. It’s wishful thinking that will backfire on the right. This “Biden isn’t capable” doesn’t have any traction.
Dude, Biden isn't all there. I'm serious. I mean, I know some hate Trump, and that's valid. But Biden is losing his marbles. Seriously. I'm not predicting that will sway any voters, but it's for real.
As a POC (I’m Hispanic) I experience racism weekly. My daughters do as well. In school it is always little snide comments like, “Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN’T?” It’s worse for blacks. I’m not going to say anything else because you can’t make some people see the forest for the trees. Just because YOU DON’T SEE RACISM, IT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S NOT THERE. Keep your fcking heads in the sand. I wish you could experience a tenth of what I have.

Every race can be racist. Not just white but Latinos and blacks can be racists to. Like If a white person moves in a black neighborhood. There’s cases where the white person treated differently.

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Dude, Biden isn't all there. I'm serious. I mean, I know some hate Trump, and that's valid. But Biden is losing his marbles. Seriously. I'm not predicting that will sway any voters, but it's for real.

he’s always been off with the stutter. Do I think he’s lost a bit in 8-12 years? of course but he is still sharp enough. The debates will show you guys he can still tangle.
As a POC (I’m Hispanic) I experience racism weekly. My daughters do as well. In school it is always little snide comments like, “Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN’T?” It’s worse for blacks. I’m not going to say anything else because you can’t make some people see the forest for the trees. Just because YOU DON’T SEE RACISM, IT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S NOT THERE. Keep your fcking heads in the sand. I wish you could experience a tenth of what I have.
I agree Hispanics have it hard along with some blacks but racism happens to all skin colors including white. As a white guy I’ve been called a lot of things from some blacks. At the end of the day you keep your head up and try to represent yourself the best you can.
Every race can be racist. Not just white but Latinos and blacks can be racists to. Like If a white person moves in a black neighborhood. There’s cases where the white person treated differently.

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Also if a white person moves to a different country that's not predominantly white. I'm sure it's not pretty.
he’s always been off with the stutter. Do I think he’s lost a bit in 8-12 years? of course but he is still sharp enough. The debates will show you guys he can still tangle.
But it's not just the stutter. It's getting details all jumbled up or flat out not remembering. I'm looking forward to the debates.
Every race can be racist. Not just white but Latinos and blacks can be racists to. Like If a white person moves in a black neighborhood. There’s cases where the white person treated differently.

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Yeah not the same thing as systemic racism though......if your not white in America then the deck is stacked against you....its not even a cognitive thing its just the way the system is setup and why it needs to change....this wont happen over night but it wont happen at all until enough white people acknowledge it exist and work to change it because we are the only ones that can.

The average white family in the US is worth 170k, the average black family is worth 17k, this is because the system over the last hundred years or so has made it hard to impossible for black families to accumulate and pass on wealth. Every time I see a post about everyone can make it if they just work hard I roll my eyes because blacks have to work way harder than whites to make it, hell I know a lot of well off white people who dont do ---- and still have way more than the average hard working black/hispanic families etc....

Yeah not the same thing as systemic racism though......if your not white in America then the deck is stacked against you....its not even a cognitive thing its just the way the system is setup and why it needs to change....this wont happen over night but it wont happen at all until enough white people acknowledge it exist and work to change it because we are the only ones that can.

The average white family in the US is worth 170k, the average black family is worth 17k, this is because the system over the last hundred years or so has made it hard to impossible for black families to accumulate and pass on wealth. Every time I see a post about everyone can make it if they just work hard I roll my eyes because blacks have to work way harder than whites to make it, hell I know a lot of well off white people who dont do poop and still have way more than the average hard working black/hispanic families etc....

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Lol not my family of 5 we make about 20k a year. I’m not better off then any race but I am pretty happy regardless. I work hard and try hard.

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Stop. No one cares if you won’t be watching the NFL, especially the NFL. The current national anthem IS the white national anthem because blacks had ZERO RIGHTS when the song was adopted as the national anthem.
I personally feel our nation has some balkanization going on! Black anthem white anthem black music white music black business white business etc. etc. We stopped being Americans first and instead reverted to a much lesser identity - race.

We all need to be Americans first again if we are ever to come together!
dude we are not even hardly a generation removed from separate but equal and we all
Know damn well it wasn’t equal.
No $h!t... (AGAIN) so why is in 2020 do my children need to be black
As a POC (I’m Hispanic) I experience racism weekly. My daughters do as well. In school it is always little snide comments like, “Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN’T?” It’s worse for blacks. I’m not going to say anything else because you can’t make some people see the forest for the trees. Just because YOU DON’T SEE RACISM, IT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S NOT THERE. Keep your fcking heads in the sand. I wish you could experience a tenth of what I have.
No $h!t part two. So why can't my children not just be Americans? Is your opinions, just to give you a higher moral standing? Is it to pander for political points? Do you think you are really helping? I believe it is a mix of those on this board. But, It is not helping. Yes, there will be racism. Black people can be racist also. Did you know that black children can be viewed as racist to each other. Oh yes! Light skin taunting darker skin. There are bigger things slowing down the progress of black people. Thomas Sowell has done a great job showing how black people was on the rise before, the government made poor personal responsibility escapade.
I personally feel our nation has some balkanization going on! Black anthem white anthem black music white music black business white business etc. etc. We stopped being Americans first and instead reverted to a much lesser identity - race.

We all need to be Americans first again if we are ever to come together!

The problem though is that for a long time blacks were not really Americans, they have a completely different view of American history from whites....white America wants blacks to love the America that frankly ---- all over them until just recently.....also its never stopped being about race, it always has been.
these quotes are jacked up.... but my answer would be always. But....I just don’t have a problem with the spotlight being on the black plight.
When it results in people being constantly offended and not empowered that is the problem. I don't care what color you are if you live life being offended at everybody and everything you will never be successful.

That’s one of many issues I have with the whole BLM movement. The overreaction to every slight is a never-ending abyss of actions and expressions that most people couldn’t even associate with racism. Something as simple as refusing to shake the hand of an African American you dislike for personal reasons is reflexively spun into some racist overture. Even constitutional, criminal justice values like “innocent until proven guilty” for someone accused of an assault or homicide against an African American individual is condemned or rationalized as a defense of racism. It’s irrational and hypocritical politicizing of every aspect of life, and it devolves any type of discussion into hysteria.

The problem simply boils down to lack of good leadership, and a lack consideration or policy planning among African American communities that you’d think would have a cogent list of policy proposals. Ask anyone in those protests for a solution, and they come up short every time. It’s all slogans. That’s when you get people advocating for policies like “defund the police”. Stupid. A movement that had the support of everyone this month has increased the odds that nothing is done. There's absolutely zero self-reflection.
As a POC (I’m Hispanic) I experience racism weekly. My daughters do as well. In school it is always little snide comments like, “Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN’T?” It’s worse for blacks. I’m not going to say anything else because you can’t make some people see the forest for the trees. Just because YOU DON’T SEE RACISM, IT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S NOT THERE. Keep your fcking heads in the sand. I wish you could experience a tenth of what I have.

I wore a kippa (Jewish hat) to school, and received all kinds of jokes about ovens. I was offended at the beginning until I realized that some of them were actually hysterical, and one of those jokesters became a life-long friend that took me on vacation with his family. Then there was some nice Hispanic kid at my school that was always respectful to me, but it came up in class that his parents didn't sign the permission for the class to watch schindler's list cause his family didn't believe in the Holocaust. He said, "We don't believe in the Holocaust".

What you just described in your post is like the first example. Mexican or Mexican't is something I've heard from multiple interactions with my friends, including my Hispanic friends of different national origins and my black friends. It ain't racism. It's more like you not seeing the forest from the trees.
The problem though is that for a long time blacks were not really Americans, they have a completely different view of American history from whites....white America wants blacks to love the America that frankly poop all over them until just recently.....also its never stopped being about race, it always has been.
Very true , but , it is what being taught and over played for political reasons.
The American flag represents an idea that all are free to live a just life. A right given by no man, therefore, no man ever take it away if they never could give. "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is why some get mad when others won't stand for it . Kneeling is seen as disrespectful .They have that right to kneel. Totally legal. But, standing with a black power fist, would be much more recepable as has been done in the past. Kneeling can be viewed as being self center and ignoran,t for,the many, many thousands of white Union soldiers that died to make all free under this flag.
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