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Political Thread

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I didn't imply your racist...…its interesting though that you took my post as a implication that your are racist.....still I don't think your racist you like millions of other white people are just not able to understand what is really going on here or what the term Black Lives Matters really means,....you do not truly understand what and where black people are coming from and why they are at the point they are....

Read this.....educate yourself....

Thank you, for not implying I’m racist. Further can be from the truth. Nice job sharing a liberal link though. To add, I appreciate you diagnosing me as one who doesn’t understand where the black suffrage comes from. SMDH.
You don’t know me and have no idea my marital relations. (Be careful)

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Good post, the video you link shows just the tip of the iceberg of the excessive use of force seen all across the nation last night. The thing is the officers are the professionals they are trained to deal with this and you can see the loss of control in many of them in that video, they were reacting in anger and that is a dangerous thing given the power their wield.....

Could also be possible they were reacting in fear, not anger, but I don't expect them to get the benefit of the doubt from several posters here. If anyone thinks their job is easy or is very rewarding financially, go apply at your nearest Police Academy. Most of these guys get injured, attacked, verbally abused and threatened every day of their lives and it you don't think that is extremely stressful, try it sometime and get back to me. Oh, and Monday morning quarterbacking is always easy from the sidelines
Thank you, for not implying I’m racist. Further can be from the truth. Nice job sharing a liberal link though. To add, I appreciate you diagnosing me as one who doesn’t understand where the black suffrage comes from. SMDH.
You don’t know me and have no idea my marital relations. (Be careful)

So your not going to read the article.....and I could care less what your martial relations are.....your post make it obvious you have little sympathy or understanding of what Black Lives Matters really means or how posting stuff like ALL LIVES MATTER is racially tone deaf.....again read the link I promise your wont turn into a liberal for reading that link.
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Could also be possible they were reacting in fear, not anger, but I don't expect them to get the benefit of the doubt from several posters here. If anyone thinks their job is easy or is very rewarding financially, go apply at your nearest Police Academy. Most of these guys get injured, attacked, verbally abused and threatened every day of their lives and it you don't think that is extremely stressful, try it sometime and get back to me. Oh, and Monday morning quarterbacking is always easy from the sidelines

Fear was not the vibe I got off those videos there was a lot of unbridled anger there though, hell I even understand why they would be angry BUT none of that gives them the right to do any of the things in that video.....they are professionals and are trained and paid to do just that....if they cant do that and are going to react the way the officers in the video did then they need to take off the badge and find a different line of work, period.
So your not going to read the article.....and I could care less what your martial relations are.....your post make it obvious you have little sympathy or understanding of what Black Lives Matters really means or how posting stuff like ALL LIVES MATTER is racially tone deaf.....again reads the link I promise your wont turn into a liberal for reading that link.

I’ve read and seen this article full of opinion from MSNBC and the expert Nancy Pelosi pop up periodically. (Yawn) Not buying it.
Black, White, Hispanic, Asian etc - All of our matters matter equally. Do you agree ???

My recently deceased dad served in the Navy, does his life matter?
I’ve read and seen this article full of opinion from MSNBC and the expert Nancy Pelosi pop up periodically. (Yawn) Not buying it.
Black, White, Hispanic, Asian etc - All of our matters matter equally. Do you agree ???

My recently deceased dad served in the Navy, does his life matter?

What exactly are you not buying, I don't think you read it as the article actually is attacking Pelosi for stating All Lives Matters.....
Could also be possible they were reacting in fear, not anger, but I don't expect them to get the benefit of the doubt from several posters here. If anyone thinks their job is easy or is very rewarding financially, go apply at your nearest Police Academy. Most of these guys get injured, attacked, verbally abused and threatened every day of their lives and it you don't think that is extremely stressful, try it sometime and get back to me. Oh, and Monday morning quarterbacking is always easy from the sidelines

I don't doubt that it's a stressful job at all... but police taking it out on peaceful protestors exercising their first amendment right is not appropriate or justified.

If mental health truly is this big of a problem for police officers, that it's driving them to lash out against nonviolent protestors... if, as we've seen demonstrated now in dozens of video examples over the past decade plus, it causes police to disproportionately target black people in this country in unnecessarily aggressive ways, then why not advocate for legislation to provide mental health resources to police officers so they can handle their stress through healthier outlets? I struggle to believe (to put it lightly) that the BLM movement arose purely because of stressed police officers, but if mental health does play some role, then surely this sort of bill would be a noncontroversial way to improve things?
Statistics on the subject are interesting. There are definitely issues that need to be cleaned up within the police force, more accountability, etc that can be discussed and improved... but something else that needs to be discussed also is the black on black violence and disproportionate crime rates on a per-capita basis. The statistics below show some of the issues; part of the discussion needs to include not only the police but what can be done to help make things safer within black communities. I'm hoping these riots will calm down soon so various leaders can work on addressing the concerns of the peaceful protesters.

"In 2015, The Washington Post launched a real-time database to track fatal police shootings, and the project continues this year. As of Sunday, 1,502 people have been shot and killed by on-duty police officers since Jan. 1, 2015. Of them, 732 were white, and 381 were black (and 382 were of another or unknown race).

According to FBI numbers from 2014, about 90 percent of black homicide victims were killed by other black people.

Because detailed FBI data on crime can lag by several years, the most-cited statistics on this point refer to 2009 data. According to that data, out of all violent crimes in which someone was charged, black Americans were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the country’s 75 biggest counties — despite the fact that black Americans made up just 15 percent of the population in those places.

“Blacks are three times as likely to be killed by cops as are whites, on a per-capita basis,”
Peter Moskos, a former Baltimore police officer and criminal justice researcher at John Jay College of Criminal Justice told the New York Times last April. “But part of that is because of crime in predominantly black neighborhoods.” Source
Protest no because they don’t work. People kill other people everyday. Color shouldn’t matter but for some it does I guess.
Okay so no protests, what then? I agree the ballot box but that is getting stretched farther and farther away from being representative due in large part to Gerry-mandering districts.
Could also be possible they were reacting in fear, not anger, but I don't expect them to get the benefit of the doubt from several posters here. If anyone thinks their job is easy or is very rewarding financially, go apply at your nearest Police Academy. Most of these guys get injured, attacked, verbally abused and threatened every day of their lives and it you don't think that is extremely stressful, try it sometime and get back to me. Oh, and Monday morning quarterbacking is always easy from the sidelines
Statistically, being a police officer is not even a top ten dangerous job.
What exactly are you not buying, I don't think you read it as the article actually is attacking Pelosi for stating All Lives Matters.....

Good grief. I’ve just Reread the article for the most exhausting time. I see the authors point. However, I simply disagree. Are you going to answer my question? I’ll copy and paste:

Black, White, Hispanic, Asian etc - All of our lives matter equally. Do you agree ???

My recently deceased dad served in the Navy, does his life matter?

edit* to fix “lives”.
So your not going to read the article.....and I could care less what your martial relations are.....your post make it obvious you have little sympathy or understanding of what Black Lives Matters really means or how posting stuff like ALL LIVES MATTER is racially tone deaf.....again read the link I promise your wont turn into a liberal for reading that link.

The problem with the Black lives matter movement is they promote violence and rioting. So I have no sympathy for the black lives matter crap. Now, if we want to discuss do black people get treated fairly I feel like that’s a fair conversation.
Statistics on the subject are interesting. There are definitely issues that need to be cleaned up within the police force, more accountability, etc that can be discussed and improved... but something else that needs to be discussed also is the black on black violence and disproportionate crime rates on a per-capita basis. The statistics below show some of the issues; part of the discussion needs to include not only the police but what can be done to help make things safer within black communities. I'm hoping these riots will calm down soon so various leaders can work on addressing the concerns of the peaceful protesters.

"In 2015, The Washington Post launched a real-time database to track fatal police shootings, and the project continues this year. As of Sunday, 1,502 people have been shot and killed by on-duty police officers since Jan. 1, 2015. Of them, 732 were white, and 381 were black (and 382 were of another or unknown race).

According to FBI numbers from 2014, about 90 percent of black homicide victims were killed by other black people.

Because detailed FBI data on crime can lag by several years, the most-cited statistics on this point refer to 2009 data. According to that data, out of all violent crimes in which someone was charged, black Americans were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the country’s 75 biggest counties — despite the fact that black Americans made up just 15 percent of the population in those places.

“Blacks are three times as likely to be killed by cops as are whites, on a per-capita basis,”
Peter Moskos, a former Baltimore police officer and criminal justice researcher at John Jay College of Criminal Justice told the New York Times last April. “But part of that is because of crime in predominantly black neighborhoods.” Source

There are so many facets of this that need to be addressed and that we need to have an honest conversation about in this country. Having an honest conversation means that everyone at the table is probably going to hear some things they don't like, everyone at the table is going to have to shoulder some responsibility, and everyone at the table is going to have to be willing to look more forward and less backwards. Unfortunately this doesn't happen. Too many people seem unwilling to have that honest conversation. They are too concerned about their on views rather than understanding another and finding a way for us to live together. It really shouldn't be this hard. We're all people for goodness sake!
My question is if the officer would have killed a white man. Would there be protest like this taking place?

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I would be angry. Yes,there ought to be protests any time those in power get abusive. Absolutely. It's a shame this only happens in some cases like with blacks.
Good grief. I’ve just Reread the article for the most exhausting time. I see the authors point. However, I simply disagree. Are you going to answer my question? I’ll copy and paste:

Black, White, Hispanic, Asian etc - All of our lives matter equally. Do you agree ???

My recently deceased dad served in the Navy, does his life matter?

edit* to fix “lives”.

This is a strawman but I will humor you...yes all people matter, saying black lives matters does not imply the others do not though, I would be interested to know what part of the authors point do you disagree with....
Appears certain posters that spew hate and civil war are no longer here. Thank you, Admins and Mods.
This is a strawman but I will humor you...yes all people matter, saying black lives matters does not imply the others do not though, I would be interested to know what part of the authors point do you disagree with....

Your’re implying I’m a “Straw Man”.. What happened to Liberal tolerance? I disagree simple as that. Not gonna waste time Parsing and dissecting one simple article.
Not a cop out, but I may not be able to reply for a while. Work.. ugghh
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