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Political Thread

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I come in peace and good faith. Is there evidence that peaceful protesters have been jailed or treated unfairly by police?

I read a lot on this forum but don’t really post much (especially not on this thread where I know my views are too far left for most here, and I’d rather not get called a socialist, since I’m not, but that’s beside the point). But I’ve been a bit peeved by seeing only clips from looters/violent protestors (who, make no mistake, I am disgusted by and not defending). It’s important to show this other side of the coin, because there have been police responding overly forcefully to peaceful protestors. This supercut shows plenty of examples, and there’s more in the replies:

There’s a BIG caveat to both every clip in this tweet and every clip/screenshot other posters have shared. We see seconds of conflict, but the context leading up to these viral moments has been mostly removed (quite purposefully in most cases). I hope people see the feedback loop between cops and protestors though: violent responses to control protests cause violent protests in response, and vice versa. This is exacerbated by an obsession/engrossment with these heated moments, leading to social and mainstream media covering the smaller number of violent protestors/conflicts far more than the larger number of peaceful protestors.

From these short twitter clips it’s impossible to know the full story, and and the question “who’s fault is it?” seems pointless to me- it’s about as useful as “which came first: the chicken or the egg?” I think it’s more important, when we’re looking back on this moment, to understand the bigger picture in how things were able to escalate so badly at all. I don’t care who acted worse or who started it, violent protests/unrest mean there are problems that need addressing.
This is quite a leap in logic as well as a baseless assumption. When you are under attack in the heat of a riot, you can not be too picky in asking or observing which person is a rioter and which is a protestor. If you assume incorrectly which is which, you are going to get hurt or possibly killed or else villianized for attacking peaceful protestors, an absolute no win position for the Police in these circumstances. Ask yourself this question, if this is a racial issue, why was the police officer shot to death by protestors in Oakland a black federal homeland security officer?
Well it's not an assumption, it's a fact. Check out some of the video out there. Not sure how they can mistakes this poor unless they just don't care.
I read a lot on this forum but don’t really post much (especially not on this thread where I know my views are too far left for most here, and I’d rather not get called a socialist, since I’m not, but that’s beside the point). But I’ve been a bit peeved by seeing only clips from looters/violent protestors (who, make no mistake, I am disgusted by and not defending). It’s important to show this other side of the coin, because there have been police responding overly forcefully to peaceful protestors. This supercut shows plenty of examples, and there’s more in the replies:

There’s a BIG caveat to both every clip in this tweet and every clip/screenshot other posters have shared. We see seconds of conflict, but the context leading up to these viral moments has been mostly removed (quite purposefully in most cases). I hope people see the feedback loop between cops and protestors though: violent responses to control protests cause violent protests in response, and vice versa. This is exacerbated by an obsession/engrossment with these heated moments, leading to social and mainstream media covering the smaller number of violent protestors/conflicts far more than the larger number of peaceful protestors.

From these short twitter clips it’s impossible to know the full story, and and the question “who’s fault is it?” seems pointless to me- it’s about as useful as “which came first: the chicken or the egg?” I think it’s more important, when we’re looking back on this moment, to understand the bigger picture in how things were able to escalate so badly at all. I don’t care who acted worse or who started it, violent protests/unrest mean there are problems that need addressing.

Good post, the video you link shows just the tip of the iceberg of the excessive use of force seen all across the nation last night. The thing is the officers are the professionals they are trained to deal with this and you can see the loss of control in many of them in that video, they were reacting in anger and that is a dangerous thing given the power their wield.....
So I’m watching Bar Rescue via ViacomCBS to escape the news. This is the Sh!! I have to see.?.????.. A silent ad during commercial break. I took this photo of my tv.
NOPE...... Media isn’t trying to control the narrative. Give me a effing break !!! 1590972313954.png
So I’m watching Bar Rescue via ViacomCBS to escape the news. This is the Sh!! I have to see.?.????..
NOPE...... Media isn’t trying to control the narrative. Give me a effing break !!! View attachment 42385

What narrative are they controlling? If them posting this bothers you then the issue is with you....no one should have a issue with anything in that statement.
So I’m watching Bar Rescue via ViacomCBS to escape the news. This is the Sh!! I have to see.?.????.. A silent ad during commercial break. I took this photo of my tv.
NOPE...... Media isn’t trying to control the narrative. Give me a effing break !!! View attachment 42385
Yep I turned the tv off a few days ago. Hell even sports talk radio is talking about it. I miss the RONA talk already.
What narrative are they controlling? If them posting this bothers you then the issue is with you....no one should have a issue with anything in that statement.

The murder of Mr Floyd is ABSOLUTELY heinous. NO Doubt !! ALL LIVES MATTER! Do Not... And I mean Do Not Imply I’m racist !!
So was this cop racist or did he just kill a black man so that makes him racist? That’s the question I’ve been trying to find our but can’t find anything as of yet.
The murder of Mr Floyd is ABSOLUTELY heinous. NO Doubt !! ALL LIVES MATTER! Do Not... And I mean Do Not Imply I’m racist !!

I didn't imply your racist...…its interesting though that you took my post as a implication that your are racist.....still I don't think your racist you like millions of other white people are just not able to understand what is really going on here or what the term Black Lives Matters really means,....you do not truly understand what and where black people are coming from and why they are at the point they are....

Read this.....educate yourself....

But there probably should be. We shouldn't be tolerating that from any law enforcement towards any individuals.
True but you understand the difference. If I white guy kills a black guy it’s always because of race. That’s the part I’m tired of. So the next time a black cop or ave Joe kills a white guy or girl I want to see some protesters. Racism works both ways.
True but you understand the difference. If I white guy kills a black guy it’s always because of race. That’s the part I’m tired of. So the next time a black cop or ave Joe kills a white guy or girl I want to see some protesters. Racism works both ways.
Would you protest? Would you support the protestors? Assuming your white, would you expect people of other colors to join you in the protest?
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