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Political Thread

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I’m not sure what kind of reform people are expecting. Cops have and always will use force. They don’t call it “The strong arm of the law” for nothing. Police departments around the country are already required to hire a proportionate number of minority officers. That’s why we still see the minority officers kicking the sh** out of minority citizens on video periodically. 2 of the 3/4 officers that were responsible for Mr. Floyd’s death were in fact minorities. That’s disproportionate. Ok, so then we blame it on the white man’s policing system. This is also a flawed argument because a basic police state dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt with one basic principle that still reigns today; Adhering to the law and maintaining respect for one’s self, one’s family, immediate community, and the greater good of one’s society. Immense training in less lethal force would be the only real way I could see this problem getting any better and, even then, it’s not going away entirely. The police state is not going anywhere.
I’m not sure what kind of reform people are expecting. Cops have and always will use force. They don’t call it “The strong arm of the law” for nothing. Police departments around the country are already required to hire a proportionate number of minority officers. That’s why we still see the minority officers kicking the sh** out of minority citizens on video periodically. 2 of the 3/4 officers that were responsible for Mr. Floyd’s death were in fact minorities. That’s disproportionate. Ok, so then we blame it on the white man’s policing system. This is also a flawed argument because a basic police state dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt with one basic principle that still reigns today; Adhering to the law and maintaining respect for one’s self, one’s family, immediate community, and the greater good of one’s society. Immense training in less lethal force would be the only real way I could see this problem getting any better and, even then, it’s not going away entirely. The police state is not going anywhere.
There's no way the police state can go away. This is evident now more so than ever after seeing what people are capable of.
Yeah I would stay out of big cities... just not worth the risk with the rioting going on and the violence right now. It stinks for sure but staying safe is key... COVID-19 is the least of our concerns now.

Update we managed to do a quick trip downtown to see Dealey Plaza and we're back in 2 hours by 3

Just got a notice at 7pm the trains are shutting down again due to curfew
Can you read? I said protestors, not rioters. Some of you really do enjoy trying to make arguments in bad faith.
Everyone has a right to protest of course, but I'm assuming that police are mostly arresting the ones that are being violent. 95% of the people on the streets are doing the right thing, but the other 5% need to be dealt with. Now if the cops are arresting and harassing the peaceful protesters that is another matter and needs to stop. In Greenville SC people are out on the streets protesting peacefully and as far as I know are not being harassed or arrested. This needs to be the case in the entire country but it is not.
All the calls to send in the NG and an iron fist make me cringe.

If your wife comes to you saying theres a serious problem with the relationship because you yell too much are you going to

A) reflect on what she is saying and see if there are ways for you to change or

B) Yell at her that she needs to sit back and not complain...

Which results do you think you would get in those 2 scenarios?
I come in peace and good faith. Is there evidence that peaceful protesters have been jailed or treated unfairly by police?
Not sure about that but I do know police are arresting and harassing members of the media. What happened Friday to that CNN crew was senseless. Those cops need to be punished.
Everyone has a right to protest of course, but I'm assuming that police are mostly arresting the ones that are being violent. 95% of the people on the streets are doing the right thing, but the other 5% need to be dealt with. Now if the cops are arresting and harassing the peaceful protesters that is another matter and needs to stop. In Greenville SC people are out on the streets protesting peacefully and as far as I know are not being harassed or arrested. This needs to be the case in the entire country but it is not.
Police in the the hotter cities are not doing a great job discriminating between peaceful protestors and rioter. I'm sure that is on purpose for some of them.
Police in the the hotter cities are not doing a great job discriminating between peaceful protestors and rioter. I'm sure that is on purpose for some of them.
This is quite a leap in logic as well as a baseless assumption. When you are under attack in the heat of a riot, you can not be too picky in asking or observing which person is a rioter and which is a protestor. If you assume incorrectly which is which, you are going to get hurt or possibly killed or else villianized for attacking peaceful protestors, an absolute no win position for the Police in these circumstances. Ask yourself this question, if this is a racial issue, why was the police officer shot to death by protestors in Oakland a black federal homeland security officer?
My best friends dad is a security guard at the Raleigh performing arts center though last night he worked the convention center which was used as the headquarters for all riot police. He is out there again tonight, may we all take a moment and pray for those brave law enforcement individuals which hold the line between total lawlessness and civilization, a prayer for the many business owners who in these unprecedented pandemic times are on edge and are now closer than ever to the brink their life’s work taken from them, and a prayer to the people who are peacefully working for solutions to this madness through protest or other lawful means.

God Bless America. Her dream only lives if we live through it vicariously and abide , uphold , and protect her sanctity.
All the calls to send in the NG and an iron fist make me cringe.

If your wife comes to you saying theres a serious problem with the relationship because you yell too much are you going to

A) reflect on what she is saying and see if there are ways for you to change or

B) Yell at her that she needs to sit back and not complain...

Which results do you think you would get in those 2 scenarios?
I'm sure the wife isn't burning down the house though to make a point.

All the calls to send in the NG and an iron fist make me cringe.

If your wife comes to you saying theres a serious problem with the relationship because you yell too much are you going to

A) reflect on what she is saying and see if there are ways for you to change or

B) Yell at her that she needs to sit back and not complain...

Which results do you think you would get in those 2 scenarios?

Well it depends, if she’s coming to talk to me peacefully then I’ll do scenario A. If she comes at me yelling and with a knife, threatening to burn the house down or trying to hurt me (like the looters and rioters are doing) then I’m going to first use non-lethal means to disarm her and settle the situation down before I can worry about discussing the concerns she has. What the looters and rioters are doing isn’t yelling, they’re like a person coming at you with a knife or weapon to harm you. Dealing with those people requires force. The peaceful people you can talk and reason to just fine, listen to the issue and work on ways to resolve it. The looters you can’t and have to control that situation first using non-lethal force... not to mention the looters aren’t doing this over George Floyd or any other issue; they’re taking advantage of a crisis and chaos to break the law.

Don’t buy into the lie that the riots are about seeing justice and changes made; they’re not. They’re driven by Antifa and criminals looking to loot and take advantage of the crisis.

All the calls to send in the NG and an iron fist make me cringe.

If your wife comes to you saying theres a serious problem with the relationship because you yell too much are you going to

A) reflect on what she is saying and see if there are ways for you to change or

B) Yell at her that she needs to sit back and not complain...

Which results do you think you would get in those 2 scenarios?

I think the calls for NG are to handle the violence, not the protesters. Two different groups.
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