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Political Thread

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We are witnessing glimmers of the full insurrection the far-left has been working toward for decades. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis was merely a pre-text for radicals to push their ambitious insurgency. In a matter of hours, after the video of Floyd began circulating the internet, militant antifa cells across the country mobilized to Minnesota to aid Black Lives Matter rioters. Law enforcement and even the state National Guard have struggled to respond in Minnesota.
So much outrage over riots here, but very little about the rapidly escalating police violence against protestors, media, and bystanders, in addition to the decades long record of police brutality and misconduct.

Because looting, beating people up, burning buildings, etc. down are CRIMINAL acts. The National Guard needs to be deployed to any cities where riots are happening or planned to shut this down. Any rioter or violent person should receive the full range of response including non-lethal methods (pepper spray, rubber bullet, etc) and charged according to what the law demands. The rule of law must prevail and order must be restored quickly.

Measures like body cameras and other things can continue to be implemented to make sure police officers are held accountable. Other changes and solutions can be discussed by leaders but you can’t expect these people to try to find a solution to the problem when they’re busy trying to bring peace back to their cities. Also, no matter what policies are put in place there will always the possibility for someone to abuse their power. The key is to make sure there is a system in place that will hold that police officer fully accountable should that happen.
Thankfully, we live in a country that guarantees the freedom of religion. If you don't like it you can choose to reject it, but you cannot tell us to leave.

While I'm no fan of religion it is a fundamental right in America and one that is essential. That doesn't mean I dont want to see people sorting it out and rejecting it.
Lessons we've learned, so far:

(1.) Don't try to loot the front trailer of a FED-EX truck, 'cuz the second trailer is....right behind you.
(2.) Don't hold a leaking Molotov cocktail over your own head, especially if its already burning like a mofo.
(3.) Don't punch a cop in the face if a bigger, badder cop is standing right behind you.

I know of NO ONE, NO ONE, who was not disgusted by the video of the cop killing Mr George and think his day in court and justice must come. But people need to remember that this is a very very small percentage of Police Officers who act this way and there are vastly more that perform acts of kindness and heroism every day to the public that mostly go unrecognized. To try and defend the actions of the rioters, anarchists and criminals who are burning, destroying and looting in our cities is in any way an acceptable function of protests is way beyond my comprehension. We need to act firmly using all necessary non lethal means at the disposal of the Police and National Guard to control this destruction or we will soon cease to exist as a civil society.

As Christians, the greatest weapon and the most powerful defense we have is prayer. Our country needs prayer in a critical way.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I’m asking churches to have a special time of intercession for our nation in their Sunday morning services, whether in person or online. Will you pray, and will you share this with your pastor?
We need to pray for PEACE, because “the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God” (James 1:20). Pray for PERSPECTIVE, because “the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17).

Pray for PATIENCE, because of God’s “kindness and forbearance and patience” toward us all (Romans 2:4). And pray for an OUTPOURING of His wisdom and direction for our leaders and officials who are dealing with this crisis. Ask God to change hearts and heal this divide in our nation.
Because looting, beating people up, burning buildings, etc. down are CRIMINAL acts. The National Guard needs to be deployed to any cities where riots are happening or planned to shut this down. Any rioter or violent person should receive the full range of response including non-lethal methods (pepper spray, rubber bullet, etc) and charged according to what the law demands. The rule of law must prevail and order must be restored quickly.

Measures like body cameras and other things can continue to be implemented to make sure police officers are held accountable. Other changes and solutions can be discussed by leaders but you can’t expect these people to try to find a solution to the problem when they’re busy trying to bring peace back to their cities. Also, no matter what policies are put in place there will always the possibility for someone to abuse their power. The key is to make sure there is a system in place that will hold that police officer fully accountable should that happen.
The system needs a total overhaul if we are able going to be able to hold police and other authorities responsible for their crimes and abuses.
Don't think anyone is arguing with you about criminal rioting acts.
Where is the focus on the Word or God, Christian Faith and responsibilities and foundation of the family in all of this?

Crickets from the media on that
What does that have to do with anything? The same God who's name many use to oppress and subjugate others?
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