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Political Thread

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If he had a gun this wouldn’t have happened

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Idk, there are probably dozens of people out there if not more doing this. He would have to have an AR-15 style rifle to properly protect himself and his store. However supposedly I did read he had a sword he was trying to defend his business with and that’s why he got attacked. He did survive it looks like as someone posted pics of him being attended by EMS and conscious... but that was brutal to watch.
Idk, there are probably dozens of people out there if not more doing this. He would have to have an AR-15 style rifle to properly protect himself and his store. However supposedly I did read he had a sword he was trying to defend his business with and that’s why he got attacked. He did survive it looks like as someone posted pics of him being attended by EMS and conscious... but that was brutal to watch.

It was sad and heartbreaking to watch

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What’s happening in our country is incredibly sad as I reflect on it. We’ve lost over 100k to COVID-19. Many businesses and individuals were hurt severely by the economic shutdown. Now we have a man murdered by cops, cities are burning and innocent people are being hurt.
I am so done... so my family's out here and I was planning to take them into Dallas tomorrow just to see the skyline before they leave on Monday and now I'm not sure it'll happen because of this crap. I haven't even told them yet.

and here, all along during this plan Coronavirus was my concern :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I am so done... so my family's out here and I was planning to take them into Dallas tomorrow just to see the skyline before they leave on Monday and now I'm not sure it'll happen because of this crap

and here, all along during this plan Coronavirus was my concern

Yeah I would stay out of big cities... just not worth the risk with the rioting going on and the violence right now. It stinks for sure but staying safe is key... COVID-19 is the least of our concerns now.
I’m a conservative who:

1) knows there is a problem with policing in this country

2) understands law and order is necessary for society to function properly

3) hates what happened to that man as my fellow human being

4) understands that these big businesses have insurance and will be fine

5) understands that many of these small business owners have lost everything and will not be fine

6) believes “racism” is being used to mask a deeper systemic problem in this country
On the most basic human level, if I tell the person I employ with my tax dollars to get his knee off my neck because I can’t breathe then it should happen 10 times out of 10. I’m not with the racial divide stuff because I’ve seen plenty of videos of this happening to every color shade on the spectrum. I know that since the inception of the police state, it has and always be the people vs the power. Be safe everybody.
On the most basic human level, if I tell the person I employ with my tax dollars to get his knee off my neck because I can’t breathe then it should happen 10 times out of 10. I’m not with the racial divide stuff because I’ve seen plenty of videos of this happening to every color shade on the spectrum. I know that since the inception of the police state, it has and always be the people vs the power. Be safe everybody.
Yep, I'm totally with you on that. What struck me to the core watching that heart wrenching video was the absolute awfulness of what one in a position of power was doing to a fellow citizen who is supposed to be protected by all the rights guaranteed by God and the US Constitution. In the words of the great author, George Orwell, "If you want to see the future of man, picture a boot stamping on his face, forever." I didn't really see it from a racial perspective, but from the bigger human rights one.
I’m a conservative who:

1) knows there is a problem with policing in this country

2) understands law and order is necessary for society to function properly

3) hates what happened to that man as my fellow human being

4) understands that these big businesses have insurance and will be fine

5) understands that many of these small business owners have lost everything and will not be fine

6) believes “racism” is being used to mask a deeper systemic problem in this country

Solid post, not sure though I understand #6.....racism is the deeper systemic problem at least for blacks, I think a lot of white America just cant comprehend how different the Americans experience has been for blacks and while things are getting better there are still many issues. I don't agree with the rioting and looting but I understand why its happening.
Charleston got destroyed tonight. Every window on king street is broken. Gunshots fired in front of halls Chophouse when an employee fired several times trying to save an older gentlemen from being killed by the looters. They really fu**** it up.
Hope we are past the peak with the violence.

Same here. Every major city needs to prepare the national guard today and be ready to act swiftly tonight if more occurs. Anyone have any videos of the national guard from last night? I had seen a few reports that they were effective but no videos yet.
Way over the line here.....this kind of stuff will only lead to more protest and violence you dont shoot people on their own porch.....you damn sure dont say Light Em Up right before you do, seriously **** those guys, no signs of riots on a apparently quiet suburban street.....you will have to click the link it wont let it play here for some reason

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