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Political Thread

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Well the NASDAQ is going to dive off the diving board tomorrow with weak-handedness from this I bet, this is halfway stocks related but I figured I'd post it here.

You're not going to see Google or Facebook shut down though, honestly probably not even Twitter. I doubt they even are successfully severely regulated either. I told my dad about this and he said just like with the antitrust sanctions that they aren't going to get anything significant done.
So Trump is going to issue a exceutive order on social media companies tommorow.

Good for him as I don’t think social media should favor one side of the political aisle or another. Social media should remain mutual

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Good for him as I don’t think social media should favor one side of the political aisle or another. Social media should remain mutual

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That, Sir, is almost the best Freudian slip I have ever seen ... ;)
That's fine if you like twitter, I hate it and always will. The few useful things on there don't make it a beneficial platform for me.

I personally don't care what Trump tweets on Twitter but what he tweeted was a conspiracy theory that has been circulating around the internet for quite some time. The reason the conspiracy theory is so popular is that the medical examiner used for this wasn't the one for the state of Florida, as is typically the case. Instead it was Dr Berkland who had lost his examiner license for the state of FL and has a history of criminal conduct. As a result the conspiracy theorists believe there was a coverup as to what really happened and a non-licensed medical examiner was used to hide something. I'm not saying the conspiracy theory is valid or true but its not like Trump made this up, it is a pretty popular conspiracy theory. I wish he would focus on other stuff and tweet less but I don't have an issue with him tweeting this.. and I would say this even if Pelosi, Biden, Obama or another democrat tweeted this same thing.

Come on man Trump is using a totally debunked loony toon conspiracy to attack someone in his capacity as president of the USA...the Wall Street Journal said it best, Trump is debasing the office of president with this stuff....high ranking GOP folks are begging him to STFU about it because it is hurting him, people HATE this stuff from him.....you know its bad when even Rasmussen latest poll has trump down to 42%.....with a whopping 57% disapproval rating....do you really think he gets reelected with numbers like that.....on second thought I hope Trump keeps doing this stuff so America can wake up and realize Trump is a terrible human and does not deserve to be the leader of this great nation.

The poll released Wednesday shows 42 percent of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump's job performance, while 57 percent disapprove.
The thing is if Biden wins in 2020. You have top political leaders being Biden Pelosi shumer. Being able to almost get any law and legislation passed by 2022 people would have wished we had Trump back!

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The thing is if Biden wins in 2020. You have top political leaders being Biden Pelosi shumer. Being able to almost get any law and legislation passed by 2022 people would have wished we had Trump back!

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Then you will reap what you have sewn by putting trump into office and firing up their base in ways never before seen.
Such BS panic porn. CNN is a sick fake news channel. Sacrificed? How about the sacrifice of all the people who lost jobs, lost businesses and homes? Disgusting individuals you are CNN. Make sure to wear your mask when on air but take them off when not on air.
We all know cnn and Washington post is fake news anyway. Look mail in ballets are easy to rig. Dead people could get ballot to vote easier for illegals to vote. It’s very easy to see how mail in ballots can rig a election.

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For every thing trump wants to complain about there is something showing how hypocritical he and his admin are.

You really cant make this stuff up.

Come on man Trump is using a totally debunked loony toon conspiracy to attack someone in his capacity as president of the USA...the Wall Street Journal said it best, Trump is debasing the office of president with this stuff....high ranking GOP folks are begging him to STFU about it because it is hurting him, people HATE this stuff from him.....you know its bad when even Rasmussen latest poll has trump down to 42%.....with a whopping 57% disapproval rating....do you really think he gets reelected with numbers like that.....on second thought I hope Trump keeps doing this stuff so America can wake up and realize Trump is a terrible human and does not deserve to be the leader of this great nation.

The poll released Wednesday shows 42 percent of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump's job performance, while 57 percent disapprove.
Any poll is useless. Especially one from the hill that is liberal.
Come on man Trump is using a totally debunked loony toon conspiracy to attack someone in his capacity as president of the USA...the Wall Street Journal said it best, Trump is debasing the office of president with this stuff....high ranking GOP folks are begging him to STFU about it because it is hurting him, people HATE this stuff from him.....you know its bad when even Rasmussen latest poll has trump down to 42%.....with a whopping 57% disapproval rating....do you really think he gets reelected with numbers like that.....on second thought I hope Trump keeps doing this stuff so America can wake up and realize Trump is a terrible human and does not deserve to be the leader of this great nation.

The poll released Wednesday shows 42 percent of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump's job performance, while 57 percent disapprove.

Well let’s let the American people decide this fall. If they’ve had enough they can vote him out. If not they can elect him for another 4 years.
I really enjoy the banter/discussion and/but fear the hate and venom in here ... so if I may ... 35 posters are not going to affect/effect November 2020 or anything else ... How about the weather?
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