Somewhere down the line this has GOT TO STOP! They're going to drive us all the way to utter tribulation if they don't knock it the freak off!It’s looking like schools will have hard time going back if they follow the Stupid corrupt CDC guidelines. My sis is on TN state education board. Here is some of the guidelines.
No cafeterias. All food has to be in brown bags. Kids will eat at their desk.
All desk 6 feet apart.
No changing classes. No teacher changing classes. All students and teachers stay in their classrooms all day. No teacher can leave kids unattended. If one has to go to bathroom they all line up 6 feet apart and go.
All desk aiming same way.
In MS and HS this is not possible because teachers are not equipped to teach multi subjects. They are geared towards one subject.
Buses most have every other seat on bus. Plexiglass installed between seats.
This is just some of the guidelines. Welcome to prison kids. All over a virus. This keeps up you will have mass revolts eventually. People are getting sick of it. I have heard 100% today where I have been say people will die we can’t make millions suffer for the ones that will die from this virus. Not my words today. This is actual several people saying this.