1. The country for the most part isn't still locked down. It is carefully opening back up, which is what needs to happen.
2. But some of us want this to be done carefully like is occurring now in most cases. There needs to be some balance, as Trump/White House Task Force guidelines recommend.
3. Those of us who want this to be carefully done due to worry about the disease aren't just thinking about our own health. In many cases, including myself, we're thinking much more about loved ones who are at much higher risk than ourselves. So, it isn't right to portray those of us concerned about safety from the disease as selfish.
4. Why has this become so overpoliticized and why so black and white?
5. Business closings, bans on gatherings, fines for violating guidelines, and social distancing are nothing new. They were widespread in the 1918-19 flu epidemic.
6. Talking about selfishness, many people here openly enjoy and in some cases root for severe wx, hurricanes, and other dangerous wx (and some will lie and deny it), which helps nobody and is instead dangerous to loved ones. That's true selfishness.