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Political Thread

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This poll usually slants Trump's way. Yikes:

Yeah when even the polls that slant to the right show these kind of numbers you know its for real......and really it wont get much lower, or if it does then Trump is shedding hard core base and that wont happen.
Also saw where a poll showed his disapproval all the way down to 33% among independents which would be bad for trump bigly if that holds till the election.
Since we have been having to see videos of Republicans leaving the Republican party you may want to read this article to see who is leaving the Democrats. All balances out.

I agree on it largely balancing out - for the Dems it all depends on what the turnout/registration numbers are in Philly and Pittsburgh and their suburbs.

Looking at national trends, the political cleavage in this country is deepening between Major cities+Surrounding suburbs vs. Smaller cities+Rural. This also roughly aligns with College educated vs. non-college educated, but I think the first cleavage (location+economics) is the main driver, not the other way around.

This is no different than much of our history (cities vs. farmers) but in the past 10 years we have really seen suburbs turn blue as more rural areas get more and more red.
You really ought to seek some help. You keep pushing this crazy stuff. It's detrimental to your health.

I’m trying to help prepare people for the bad times to come. Hopefully this is all BS and nothing ever happens. But I’d rather be prepared and look stupid then unprepared and be caught off guard.

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I’m trying to help prepare people for the bad times to come. Hopefully this is all BS and nothing ever happens. But I’d rather be prepared and look stupid then unprepared and be caught off guard.

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So do yourself a favor and when this election comes to pass and these guys are proven to be fakes STOP listening to their garbage.
It is BS. There is nothing to prepare for.

Riots going on now could be a early warning but of this. These are pastors wouldn’t it be wise to at least listen. If I told you COVID-19 was gonna happen few months before it existed would you have believed it?

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Riots going on now could be a early warning but of this. These are pastors wouldn’t it be wise to at least listen. If I told you COVID-19 was gonna happen few months before it existed would you have believed it?

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Pastors lie all the time. Sorry to break it to you.
Riots going on now could be a early warning but of this. These are pastors wouldn’t it be wise to at least listen. If I told you COVID-19 was gonna happen few months before it existed would you have believed it?

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Its good to be prepared for any situation or circumstance. History has proven anything can arise in a short span of time. I don't need any pastor or any other entity to tell me to be prepared. It should be instinct. These times we are living in are warning enough. I'm glad there are people (pastors, mentors, and etc) that share their views and or fears. Its good to be a realist with optimistic outlooks, but unwise to not be prepared for what a disaster could mean for you and your family.
Its good to be prepared for any situation or circumstance. History has proven anything can arise in a short span of time. I don't need any pastor or any other entity to tell me to be prepared. It should be instinct. These times we are living in are warning enough. I'm glad there are people (pastors, mentors, and etc) that share their views and or fears. Its good to be a realist with optimistic outlooks, but unwise to not be prepared for what a disaster could mean for you and your family.

Well said! I’m not saying for 100% certainty any of this will happen. But I’m saying no one would have predicted the riots or COVID way before it happened. Isn’t it possible the riots can escalate further closer to November? Considering some mayors and even governors are slow to call in the national guard. Isn’t it at the minimum realistic to believe things could escalate further? Even if not to the same level as these dreams.

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You didn't have to go there with it. Just say you strongly disagree and the point will be taken.

Depends on how much stress and worry he allows it cause him. My mom in her diminished mental state from dementia will read or hear that type of stuff and once it gets in her head she absolutely will worry herself sick over it.

I dont believe jessy is there to that point but that kind of rhetoric is the kind that can cause undo stress and worry.
I think its wise to be prepared for most unseen circumstances. Worry over it? Well, if you are prepared for something, that should ease your worry. We don't need to spread fear, there is enough out there to fear already. Live diligently, self-sufficiently, and you can handle most things that come your way, otherwise we wouldn't be here today. History teaches.
Depends on how much stress and worry he allows it cause him. My mom in her diminished mental state from dementia will read or hear that type of stuff and once it gets in her head she absolutely will worry herself sick over it.

I dont believe jessy is there to that point but that kind of rhetoric is the kind that can cause undo stress and worry.

Sorry that she has to endure that. I have also witnessed that from my own family member. She wasn't online reading forums however. I do understand your plight with it though.
Depends on how much stress and worry he allows it cause him. My mom in her diminished mental state from dementia will read or hear that type of stuff and once it gets in her head she absolutely will worry herself sick over it.

I dont believe jessy is there to that point but that kind of rhetoric is the kind that can cause undo stress and worry.

For now I’m worried about the rioting. I wish it would all stop. I’m worried about the increase crime rate. I’m worried because that’s what’s happening today. I pray for this country and the people in it. That’s all I can really do. I am preparing and ready for a lot of different situations I think.

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I just wanted to add I lost my grandfather this year. He had Dementia as well as other medical problems. He actually started forgetting how to swallow and chew. It was hard to watch

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I havent had time to watch that video. What is the summary?
I havent had time to watch that video. What is the summary?

Very similar to the last pastor. September October November and people fighting in the streets. No signs of Trump and Russian and Chinese soldiers arresting people putting them in concentration camps. I’m taking it with a grain of salt although I could see the racial Divide and violence continue or escalate as we get closer to Election Day. That part seems realistic. The part that I’m having a difficult time believing is Russia and Chinese troops in our streets. That seems almost impossible wouldn’t they be blown up before they even set foot here? And where is our military at in these dreams it’s almost like they been abolished along with police.

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Very similar to the last pastor. September October November and people fighting in the streets. No signs of Trump and Russian and Chinese soldiers arresting people putting them in concentration camps. I’m taking it with a grain of salt although I could see the racial Divide and violence continue or escalate as we get closer to Election Day. That part seems realistic. The part that I’m having a difficult time believing is Russia and Chinese troops in our streets. That seems almost impossible wouldn’t they be blown up before they even set foot here? And where is our military at in these dreams it’s almost like they been abolished along with police.

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Ok thanks for the rundown. Just was wondering what all the commotion was about :)
Ok thanks for the rundown. Just was wondering what all the commotion was about :)
Usually, the commotion happens because people have a hard time passing other people they don't like or agree with without evacuating their bowels all over the thread. Would be nice, if someone just absolutely must reply, to just say they disagree and move on.
Depends on how much stress and worry he allows it cause him. My mom in her diminished mental state from dementia will read or hear that type of stuff and once it gets in her head she absolutely will worry herself sick over it.

I dont believe jessy is there to that point but that kind of rhetoric is the kind that can cause undo stress and worry.
Say Donald Trump 3 times and your head will start to shrink...… and you are giving Jessy advice about stress and worry....lol
Riots going on now could be a early warning but of this. These are pastors wouldn’t it be wise to at least listen. If I told you COVID-19 was gonna happen few months before it existed would you have believed it?

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These guys are opportunists trying to make a buck cause gullible people click on their videos and then are more than happy to share them with everyone else.

If my priest was saying stuff like this I'd think he was crazy too.
Why does anyone support this man......let the local and state level school systems decide what is best for them Trump should stay the hell out of it, and they damn sure should not threaten to remove badly needed funds as long as the schools are presenting options, in my local county they are allowing kids to either come to school or have online classes, they want a certain number to not come to allow for smaller more spaced out classes etc....however they also said the recent spikes in cases may push back the date of the in school classes but on Aug 24th online classes start for all students.

Well enterprise called me despite no experience. They offered me the Job as a car detailer I start next week.

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I don’t know why it makes money but it does, but some friends I went to school with are making bank detailing cars on their own! Maybe in the future you could do that?

I’m a bit late to this story, but don’t y’all realize that birth control pills aren’t just for birth control? I’m not going to stray too far into this, but as one of the few females in here, I’ve thought about getting on them from time to time and it’s actually for totally unrelated reasons to controlling birth.

My symptoms usually are tolerable, but from time to time last year, I was worried about my emotional control (and it was absolutely at its worst during one stretch of the month which points at one thing and one thing only), and even though they’re usually tolerable, I sometimes still would rather try to make them disappear than deal with them.
Why does anyone support this man......let the local and state level school systems decide what is best for them Trump should stay the hell out of it, and they damn sure should not threaten to remove badly needed funds as long as the schools are presenting options, in my local county they are allowing kids to either come to school or have online classes, they want a certain number to not come to allow for smaller more spaced out classes etc....however they also said the recent spikes in cases may push back the date of the in school classes but on Aug 24th online classes start for all students.

It’s 10% he is cutting. 90% comes from state taxes. In a suburb of DC. Each student going to school is $16k a year. It is states choices that he is allowing which he can’t force states anyway. He is right though. All those other countries went back normally with no issues. It is also the Democrats cities and states fighting to not go to school. Some of same ones that want to defund the police and are allowing lawlessness. See the pattern here? Tucker said last night we are where Sweden was at one time with this virus. Have not looked to see if true. If it is true then there is light at end of tunnel.
Here something to think about. Most Daycares remained open during the pandemic. I haven’t really heard of many kids getting it and spreading it through daycare. Schools might would be ok. But it should start in a hybrid way. If that went well could very well try and do full blown 5 day school after Jan 1st

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