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Political Thread

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I said the shut-downs were unnecessary before they were started, though. I haven’t changed my stance now, and after seeing antibody testing, feel even stronger that the economic take-down was completely unnecessary and over-reaction.

My guess is you havent read.one article about the false positives on the antibody test and how they could be grossly over estimating antibody rates.
My guess is you havent read.one article about the false positives on the antibody test and how they could be grossly over estimating antibody rates.
I’ve seen reports from many sampling’s and testing. They all reveal much higher infection rates, regardless of the existence of some false positives. It isn’t like a fifty percent false flag of SARS-Cov2...
Have you not seen where people have said they would rather be dead than to not be able to provide for their families. I pray none of us never are homeless but to someone living on streets having to look for food and be out in elements every day. Trying to stay warm or cold. No health services like dental or eye care or even regular doctor visits. Are you dismissive to how harsh that is? That could be years of pain and agony. I lost my father years ago. I was taught to live and not look back. I miss him dearly but don’t wallow in his death. Death sucks but it’s something we all will face one day. Is suffering for years before death on streets that much better than dying quickly from this virus? You act like some of us don’t care people die from this virus. There are 2 sides to this virus. Not just 1! We could say same for you. You don’t care people suffer and live in poverty and hunger. You would rather people suffer than to get this virus.

Hmmm that's interesting I have bolded here. So before ACA when poor people had no way of getting insurance, pre-existing conditions were unable to get insurance. Sounds to me since you care so deeply for those people now that may end up in the position those poor people lived in for decades that maybe you support liberal agendas more than you let on? Sounds to me like you 100% support the ACA cause.
Hmmm that's interesting I have bolded here. So before ACA when poor people had no way of getting insurance, pre-existing conditions were unable to get insurance. Sounds to me since you care so deeply for those people now that may end up in the position those poor people lived in for decades that maybe you support liberal agendas more than you let on? Sounds to me like you 100% support the ACA cause.
For people living on streets. There is always a copay. I’m just thinking Why you went to Lowe’s risking spreading the virus. Here is my suggestion. To those that are scared and don’t want to spread or get this virus. Stay home and do not go anywhere. Tell your jobs you are not coming in. Quit your jobs or get fired so you can get unemployment. That way you can help those that want to work and provide for their families can have your job. Problem solved. Stay home or get out and work and live life.
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Wow, then this guy joins webb in the demeaning comment parade...

I wasn’t expecting this poster to take that road. I’m a little shocked.
I suspect you grossly misread or misunderstood my comment ... or maybe I made it grossly incomprehensible; to simplify, there are nuts falling from the tress on both sides ... but not everyone, at least not this one, is nuts ... and being right of center is not nuts ... I do care about folks ... a lot ...
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I suspect you grossly misread or misunderstood my comment ... or maybe I made it grossly incomprehensible; to simplify, there are nuts falling from the tress on both sides ... but not everyone, at least not this one, is nuts ... and being right of center is not nuts ... I do care about folks ... a lot ...
If there was something called a Demeaning Comment Index which existed on a 10 point scale, I would rank your comment a 1 out of 10. (for what it's worth) ;)
I suspect you grossly misread or misunderstood my comment ... or maybe I made it grossly incomprehensible; to simplify, there are nuts falling from the tress on both sides ... but not everyone, at least not this one, is nuts ... and being right of center is not nuts ... I do care about folks ... a lot ...
Well, that’s probably what it is, a misunderstanding. Your posts are usually quite respectful. That’s why it was shocking to me.
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Well, that’s probably what it is, a misunderstanding. You’re posts are usually quite respectful. That’s why it was shocking to me.
Like I said ... I probably did not express myself well ... I tried to clarify but regrettably that led to more rancor ... was not my intent to be caustic at all, and I apologize ... not for the thought I had hoped to express, but for failing to express it in a positive manner ... I'll try better as best I can ... yet I realize that anything I or anyone says here is not going to be be universally accepted ... but I disdain negativity and again, my sincere regrets if I was negative or disrespectful ... I for one do not have the "right" to disrespect anyone ... ;)
If there was something called a Demeaning Comment Index which existed on a 10 point scale, I would rank your comment a 1 out of 10. (for what it's worth) ;)
Like I said ... I probably did not express myself well ... I tried to clarify but regrettably that led to more rancor ... was not my intent to be caustic at all, and I apologize ... not for the thought I had hoped to express, but for failing to express it in a positive manner ... I'll try better as best I can ... yet I realize that anything I or anyone says here is not going to be be universally accepted ... but I disdain negativity and again, my sincere regrets if I was negative or disrespectful ... I for one do not have the "right" to disrespect anyone ... ;)
For clarification, a 1 out of 10 would actually be good on the Demeaning Comment Index, while a 10 would be bad and represent a particularly heinous example of extreme demeaningness (or whatever you'd call it). It is certainly not meant to be a measure of a post's overall quality.

No rancor intended yo.
For clarification, a 1 out of 10 would actually be good on the Demeaning Comment Index, while a 10 would be bad and represent a particularly heinous example of extreme demeaningness (or whatever you'd call it). It is certainly not meant to be a measure of a post's overall quality.

No rancor intended yo.
I think I need a beer ... join me?
For people living on streets. There is always a copay. I’m just thinking Why you went to Lowe’s risking spreading the virus. Here is my suggestion. To those that are scared and don’t want to spread or get this virus. Stay home and do not go anywhere. Tell your jobs you are not coming in. Quit your jobs or get fired so you can get unemployment. That way you can help those that want to work and provide for their families can have your job. Problem solved. Stay home or get out and work and live life.

I went to lowes to get a garden started to supply my own food. There's been people online saying the end is coming and that crazy starved homeless and unemployed people are at their breaking point and violence is imminent. Then theres gonna be mass violence by all the early released prisoners and basically a decades maybe even a century long depression.

Unfortunately for me i was blocked by a horde of middle to older aged women buying flowers and garden soil.

It was a close one.....I barely escaped with my life.
I went to lowes to get a garden started to supply my own food. There's been people online saying the end is coming and that crazy starved homeless and unemployed people are at their breaking point and violence is imminent. Then theres gonna be mass violence by all the early released prisoners and basically a decades maybe even a century long depression.

Unfortunately for me i was blocked by a horde of middle to older aged women buying flowers and garden soil.

It was a close one.....I barely escaped with my life.
All possibilities if we stay shut down. At least you can buy seeds. Be thankful for that.
I passed trucks today with bodies stacked and strapped down on them. Probably 2 million bodies.
Of course they were just fake dummies.
Yessir. Since this is the political thread, how about we go with a theme both sides can relate to?
View attachment 40579
*and yes, this is real. I've actually seen it in bars around here. ?
I like your thoughts!

Beats the hell out of this ... which BTW, is really awful beer but fun to buy a stranger in the midwest ...

It's pretty hilarious that the very people saying we need to open everything back up asap, organizing mass gatherings/protests, with many far right wingers saying it's still no big deal/fake news, are the very people getting sick with COVID-19. Darwinism & karma win again.
Well look at it this way. Those people will have it and maybe have antibodies to it when it gets more severe in fall if does. You will get it Webber just like all of us will. So karma will come knocking on your door eventually also. You can’t hide in your cave forever. Wow celebrating people getting the virus? You are mentally insane also like me! That was your diagnosis of me.
Nothing to see here; just your "normal" every day democrat..

Lolol.....Progress for feminism. Has Nancy set up the congressional hearing for Sloppy Joe's sex allegations yet? Im sure she would jump all over it if somebody would just ask. Men assaulting women is of little concern to the media and Democrats when its a Democrat candidate doing the ass grabbing
It's pretty hilarious that the very people saying we need to open everything back up asap, organizing mass gatherings/protests, with many far right wingers saying it's still no big deal/fake news, are the very people getting sick with COVID-19. Darwinism & karma win again.
SOOOO, if it were left wingers saying this, I'm sure you'd have a problem with it too, correct? While in your mind, I'm sure you think it's ALL right wingers doing the protests because in your left leaning mind, you can't picture left leaning people stooping so low as to suggest the economy opening up. While it is probably a majority of people who don't think like you, I'd hold back white washing (no that's not racist) this.
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