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Political Thread

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You do away with police your getting a purge similar to the movie

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Could what’s happening in Minneapolis help Trump in Minnesota. I mean the idea of abolishing police is sickening

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No not in Minn. It might help but it'll be in states Trump will win in already. You need to be prepared for a Biden Presidency. His VP pick will be important because whoever it is will probably be President in a year or 2. I think he picks Kamela Harris or Michelle Obama.
What happens if Biden wins and the same social issues still remain? How does this work? People refer to Obama as a “unifier” but that is not how I remember it. He was a professional fanner of the flames. Always took up a position against the police and imo is a big reason why those 6 Dallas police officers were assasinated in July 2016. Let’s argue
I’m totally prepared for the fall of America under Biden. In fact I fully expect the total collapse of America especially if Dems win the White House house and senate. Can you imagine Biden and Pelosi passing any and every bill they want!

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Leftist 1: we need a strong issue to run on so we can beat trump in 2020. Any ideas?

Leftist 2: lower taxes? Prison reform? Education reform?

Leftist 1: No

Leftist 3: (raises hand) Defund the police?

Leftist 1: That’s more like it
Absolutely will help Trump. African-American approval has risen 15%. Ras. poll has African-American approval at a historic 41%.

Alright, I'll take that bait. ;)

Can you source that Rasmussen poll showing this newfound enthusiasm among the black community?
I’m totally prepared for the fall of America under Biden. In fact I fully expect the total collapse of America especially if Dems win the White House house and senate. Can you imagine Biden and Pelosi passing any and every bill they want!

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We will be ok. Both are old as hell so we can wait them out.
I am disgusted by Trump, but then Dems seem hell bent on pushing moronic policies like this. Unreal. I hope this doesn't continue to gain traction among the left. It's a pie in the sky fantasy. Probably going to end up voting third party at this point.

I might end up holding my nose, but my fear is something like what I believe Downeast was talking about, depending on what happens in the next 4 years or so regardless, because of how far both parties have gone away from the center, possibly getting a similar situation to 2016, where you get a democratic candidate that is "different" (and hard left leaning) because they really are desperate to get in, and is voted in.

We do not need full on socialism. Yet I keep hearing elsewhere (specifically Reddit lmao) about how in the future the US will have a lot of socialism implemented and folks will be wondering "what took so long?" A blend of some socialism ideas with capitalism ideas would be the best, but because both sides are too worried about what they're pushing, unfortunately we are not going to get that.


I will tell you what does need to be defunded. Those IRS scam calls that talk about how unless you do such and such, you're going to be put in prison.
We think the defunding of police is crazy just wait to what else comes out we still have five months for crazy policies.
I rather be associated with a loudmouth bombastic egotistical president then a liberal clown that has supporters that want to defund the police.
Something else to think about. 1 BIG reason the left desperately wants Trump gone and the Senate in Democratic hand is the Supreme Court and the Federal Court system. Trump has put 2 on the Supreme Court and if he wins a 2nd term and the Senate stays Republican, he'll put 1 or 2 more there and many more Judge in the Federal Court system and turn the country far right.
sources reporting that #NYPD Commissioner and Chief Of Department are resigning and between 300 and 800 officers are retiring immediately.

Not a peep about this anywhere else I would consider it BS......

No mention of it on the Commissioner's twitter, not on the Chiefs or any official NYPD source.....so I would take this with a giant grain of salt....

Okay. You just linked me to a story from a very right leaning source reporting about a Rasmussen Poll showing black voter approval.

Granted....this poll probably exists. It's probably on Rasmussen right now. Maybe we could get a link directly to the poll....and you and I can independently verify if the poll is actually showing these results. And then once we verify it, then you and I (and perhaps others) can then debate on if Rasmussen itself is biased in their prior polling results and how it stacks up to other sources which are showing black approval rates..

But before we even get to that point...it would help to get a link to the actual Rasmussen poll showing this. Do you have that link....or am I going to have to actually do the research and find the link for you?
School Districts Across The Country Move To Cut Contracts With Local Police
Okay. You just linked me to a story from a very right leaning source reporting about a Rasmussen Poll showing black voter approval.

Granted....this poll probably exists. It's probably on Rasmussen right now. Maybe we could get a link directly to the poll....and you and I can independently verify if the poll is actually showing these results. And then once we verify it, then you and I (and perhaps others) can then debate on if Rasmussen itself is biased in their prior polling results and how it stacks up to other sources which are showing black approval rates..

But before we even get to that point...it would help to get a link to the actual Rasmussen poll showing this. Do you have that link....or am I going to have to actually do the research and find the link for you?
Is this it?

Alright, I'll take that bait. ;)

Can you source that Rasmussen poll showing this newfound enthusiasm among the black community?

I can show you a bunch of others that have it at 10-15% which historically is way more likely to be correct....I know and work with a lot of blacks, we talk about this stuff all the time....not a single one of them supports Trump and every single on of them will be voting for Biden and we are talking dozens of people here.....so I cant believe almost half of blacks support Trump when I cant even find one out of the dozens of people I work with everyday..

For example https://www.newsweek.com/trumps-app...der-americans-black-voters-poll-finds-1503717

According to the pollsters, his net approval rating, defined as the share who approve minus the share who disapprove, sharply decreased. The poll in March showed a negative 22 net approval rating among black voters, but this number plummeted to a negative 40 net approval rating.
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Okay. You just linked me to a story from a very right leaning source reporting about a Rasmussen Poll showing black voter approval.

Granted....this poll probably exists. It's probably on Rasmussen right now. Maybe we could get a link directly to the poll....and you and I can independently verify if the poll is actually showing these results. And then once we verify it, then you and I (and perhaps others) can then debate on if Rasmussen itself is biased in their prior polling results and how it stacks up to other sources which are showing black approval rates..

But before we even get to that point...it would help to get a link to the actual Rasmussen poll showing this. Do you have that link....or am I going to have to actually do the research and find the link for you?

I can show you a bunch of others that have it at 10-15% which historically is way more likely to be correct....I know and work with a lot of blacks, we talk about this stuff all the time....not a single one of them supports Trump and every single on of them will be voting for Biden and we are talking dozens of people here.....so I cant believe almost half of blacks support Trump when I cant even find one out of the dozens of people I work with everyday..
Agree. Something is wrong with that poll.
Is this it?

It's a start.?

That's a little bit better, but we're not quite there yet. It's the twitter account instead of linking to an actual poll on their website.

Do we have a poll from their website?
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