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Political Thread

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A convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution, also called an Article V Convention or amendments convention, called for by two-thirds (currently 34) of the state legislatures, is one of two processes authorized by Article Five of the United States Constitution whereby the United States Constitution may be altered.
I think it’s great that way the people that hate Trump. And receive a paper check has no choice but to cash a check with his name on it That’s brilliant

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Let’s not make this worse than it is. I vote for him but seriously just get the money to the families. Either way if he loses in November it’s going to be a joke. Next president will be hated no matter what they do. Higher taxes and hyperinflation means the next president is done after 4 years.
Let’s not make this worse than it is. I vote for him but seriously just get the money to the families. Either way if he loses in November it’s going to be a joke. Next president will be hated no matter what they do. Higher taxes and hyperinflation means the next president is done after 4 years.

If Joe Biden wins in 2020 he will screw up so badly. I think we get Nikki Haley in 2024. Biden can’t even speak in a way you can understand him. How does anyone think he can run a country?

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Glad my check is getting direct deposited. Thank you Nancy Pelosi and chuck Schumer.
Funny but awesome it is. If you lived in Pelosi part of country you would be homeless. She has one of highest homelessness percentage in US. She’s working hard for the people. ??. In all seriousness ALL the politicians think of themselves. Look at their lifestyles and perks they get. Plus voting themselves raises. Trump is ridiculous to put his name on the checks but remember those two added a 25% raise to the first stimulus that was shot down. All of them are criminals. No taking sides just stating the facts.
If Joe Biden wins in 2020 he will screw up so badly. I think we get Nikki Haley in 2024. Biden can’t even speak in a way you can understand him. How does anyone think he can run a country?

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His vp will be president with in first 2 years.
If Joe Biden wins in 2020 he will screw up so badly. I think we get Nikki Haley in 2024. Biden can’t even speak in a way you can understand him. How does anyone think he can run a country?

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I like nicki haley. She's awesome.
Trump is about Trump. He’s not in this for you. This is all about him. Exhibit 5,000:

Its disgusting...….this cant really be true right.....he is such a needy jackass...

Ugh it is....

Late Monday evening, the U.S. Treasury Department ordered the Internal Revenue Service to print President Donald Trump's name on the stimulus checks it is sending to millions of Americans nationwide, reports The Washington Post.

The Treasury Department's order could cause the checks to be delayed by several days or longer, senior agency officials told the publication.
Joe Biden then Amy K or Stacey Abrams. The right wing tears will be delicious

The only tears from me will be. All the dead babies killed by the murdering left wing. Breaks my heart that most Democrats believe it’s ok to kill innocent babies. I do not give a crap about pro choice. I baby does not deserve to die because a woman decided to have unprotected sex!

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The only tears from me will be. All the dead babies killed by the murdering left wing. Breaks my heart that most Democrats believe it’s ok to kill innocent babies. I do not give a crap about pro choice. I baby does not deserve to die because a woman decided to have unprotected sex!

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Not taking sides but gonna play Devils advocate. We have a President that is Republican. Lots of politicians that are Republicans. Same with Democrats politicians. Also we have pastors all over. I am a Christian but yet we throw stones at Democrats for not saving babies? Which side is saving babies? Actually we all are guilty of not saving babies. Including me. Bottom line if we all believe it’s wrong then is it not time to do something about it?
Not taking sides but gonna play Devils advocate. We have a President that is Republican. Lots of politicians that are Republicans. Same with Democrats politicians. Also we have pastors all over. I am a Christian but yet we throw stones at Democrats for not saving babies? Which side is saving babies? Actually we all are guilty of not saving babies. Including me. Bottom line if we all believe it’s wrong then is it not time to do something about it?

I certainly don’t have to support or vote for someone that supports abortion!

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Not taking sides but gonna play Devils advocate. We have a President that is Republican. Lots of politicians that are Republicans. Same with Democrats politicians. Also we have pastors all over. I am a Christian but yet we throw stones at Democrats for not saving babies? Which side is saving babies? Actually we all are guilty of not saving babies. Including me. Bottom line if we all believe it’s wrong then is it not time to do something about it?

Supreme Court is 5-4 conservative. Exactly.
Its disgusting...….this cant really be true right.....he is such a needy jackass...

Ugh it is....

Late Monday evening, the U.S. Treasury Department ordered the Internal Revenue Service to print President Donald Trump's name on the stimulus checks it is sending to millions of Americans nationwide, reports The Washington Post.

The Treasury Department's order could cause the checks to be delayed by several days or longer, senior agency officials told the publication.

Wait, it takes several days or more to add "Donald Trump" to a piece of paper?

Our nation has more problems then Trump.
All those new hires have to work three jobs to survive.
Wages increased more for the lowest income earners,,middle class in the 3 years hes been in office than any time in history. The lower the unemployment, the higher the wages for everyone. Supply and demand.
I won't argue with a lot of Matthew70's post but there is one thing we need in this country and that is far higher taxes. We are not doing what is necessary to maintain our infrastructure or take care of people, and we keep running ever greater deficits to put more money in the pockets of the wealthy. I'm not wealthy and I want my taxes to be higher because I want a nation that is able to and does take care of it's people.
How about quit funding planned parenthood, the who,all these other countries,museums for starters 1st. We work half the year to pay all the state, federal,lical, sales taxes. I dont have any more to give friend.
I won't argue with a lot of Matthew70's post but there is one thing we need in this country and that is far higher taxes. We are not doing what is necessary to maintain our infrastructure or take care of people, and we keep running ever greater deficits to put more money in the pockets of the wealthy. I'm not wealthy and I want my taxes to be higher because I want a nation that is able to and does take care of it's people.

I can’t afford high taxes I make less then 20k a year.

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Trump is about Trump. He’s not in this for you. This is all about him. Exhibit 5,000:

Wait seriously, I've noticed that about other white house communications lately, his dumb name just has to be on there whereas previous such communications would have just said "The President."
Thankfully I won't have to look at that garbage as mine will be direct deposited.
How about quit funding planned parenthood, the who,all these other countries,museums for starters 1st. We work half the year to pay all the state, federal,lical, sales taxes. I dont have any more to give friend.
Well sadly we are surrounded by those that want everyone to make same salary and those that don’t get to share with them that make more. Encourage more sitting around and the govt. take care of them and everyone else. But when they have to wait for a simple surgery for months to years. They will be ones complaining they are not at front of line. Wondering why not enough doctors or nurses in the medical field.
I certainly don’t have to support or vote for someone that supports abortion!

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I understand what you are saying Jessy but can president make it illegal? No because that would be steeping over the Senate & House down to the governors. All of those elected both sides do not do anything about it. We all vote for people that don’t do anything. So are they really against abortion? From the judicial and up. It’s the whole setup. Guaranteed some you have voted for say they are against it but when comes down to the vote they will not go against the ladies choice. I don’t agree with abortion but it’s the ladies choice. No other person has the right to decide for her. That’s between her and God. If one believes in God. Her choice to abortion is no different than being angry at someone. No sin is greater than the other. So we should forgive her just as he’s forgiven us. Even Paul murder many many Christians and was forgiven.
  • Recently unsealed invoices show that a Planned Parenthood affiliate charged a tissue company nearly $25,000 in 2012 for fetal body parts.
  • Planned Parenthood Mar Monte billed StemExpress $55 per fetal organ “determined in the clinic to be usable” and $10 per blood sample, according to three invoices and a contract between the organizations.
  • The invoices stem from a years-long conflict between Planned Parenthood and Center for Medical Progress President David Daleiden, who accused the organization of profiting from fetal body parts obtained through abortions
Article is on Daily Caller. No suprise here, theyve been doing this for a long time.
I understand what you are saying Jessy but can president make it illegal? No because that would be steeping over the Senate & House down to the governors. All of those elected both sides do not do anything about it. We all vote for people that don’t do anything. So are they really against abortion? From the judicial and up. It’s the whole setup. Guaranteed some you have voted for say they are against it but when comes down to the vote they will not go against the ladies choice. I don’t agree with abortion but it’s the ladies choice. No other person has the right to decide for her. That’s between her and God. If one believes in God. Her choice to abortion is no different than being angry at someone. No sin is greater than the other. So we should forgive her just as he’s forgiven us. Even Paul murder many many Christians and was forgiven.

If abortion was punishable by the death penalty. Then abortion would not happen of course there should be two exceptions. Rape and health of the mother. But all other abortion should receive the death penalty.

Obviously that will never happen because of the senate as well as congress. But I will not vote for anyone that supports abortion.

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I understand what you are saying Jessy but can president make it illegal? No because that would be steeping over the Senate & House down to the governors. All of those elected both sides do not do anything about it. We all vote for people that don’t do anything. So are they really against abortion? From the judicial and up. It’s the whole setup. Guaranteed some you have voted for say they are against it but when comes down to the vote they will not go against the ladies choice. I don’t agree with abortion but it’s the ladies choice. No other person has the right to decide for her. That’s between her and God. If one believes in God. Her choice to abortion is no different than being angry at someone. No sin is greater than the other. So we should forgive her just as he’s forgiven us. Even Paul murder many many Christians and was forgiven.
You are 100 percent correct. Sin is Sin . I do not judge a woman who has an abortion. My stance is its murder. Barbaric at that.
I have a duty to stand up for those innocent ones and not vote candidates into office who promote this practice. I am accountable to God for not doing so. I dont judge the sinner as Im one myself. The Bible judges the sin.
Oh, it's happening. If Trump would have been just 5% more human, I'd have some sympathy for him and everything he is having to deal with. But threatening to cut funding to the WHO, is more than enough for me to want to throw a shoe at his Teletubby shaped body. Sorry, but if I were a Republican, I'd be doing everything in my power to get another candidate.
Do some research into the Head of the WHO. And this time read the whole story and maybe you won't worship at their alter.
So are any of you Trump supporters going to defend his "absolute authority" statement?

Of course, they will. Trump has had multiple marriages, gone bankrupt, like 9 times, made fun of a mentally challenged man, said he could go shoot people on 5th Ave. annnnd still gets elected. If Obama had done any of the said above, he would have NEVER been elected, for anything! And don't play the whole, "Well Obama did ABC" card. No, he wasn't perfect, but he was educated and spoke with emotion. I truly believe that he was sincere with his words.

And I would say the same for Bush. He may have made mistakes, but you could tell his heart was in the right place as well. I could care less if you're a democrat, republican, independent, etc. I just can't and refuse to stand by Trump. And believe when I say that I tried. Goodnight all, stay healthy. And yes, no matter how old this commercial gets, "we're really all in this together." Whether we like it or not.
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