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Political Thread: The Sequel

Some of these polling institutions are self-correcting and polling More even or even Trump ahead in the final weeks before the election. Marist had kamala up by five I think when I saw it yesterday but in the cross tabs they had interviewed 10% more Democrats than Republicans. But the other polls are evening out. Trump has never had these numbers prior to any election ever and we all know he overperforms each and every time.

There is a reason polling has gotten closer....so when Kamala wins by 3-5% don't be surprised because skewing polls and actual votes are two different things.

Most here, where Trump supporters are in the majority, thought Harris did terribly regarding the Fox News interview. Most at AmericanWx, with very few Trump supporters, thought Harris did very well.

Imagine that.
I Truly just don't understand. I watched the whole interview... She answered questions like she was an attorney and didn't even give any substance to anything. I'm not being political in saying that. I sincerely say she did horrible.
Don't worry, we will have multiply election centers stop counting overnight then when they start back up they will say they found 50M Harris slips, water main break in high Trump areas, people dropping off car loads of ballots in the cheat boxes in high Harris areas and a few glitches. Normal stuff.

Go ahead and get your election lie excuse warmed up you are going to need it.
Most here, where Trump supporters are in the majority, thought Harris did terribly regarding the Fox News interview. Most at AmericanWx, with very few Trump supporters, thought Harris did very well. Imagine that.
How do you do well when you show up late and you leave early? Just not seeing how she did well at all.
I Truly just don't understand. I watched the whole interview... She answered questions like she was an attorney and didn't even give any substance to anything. I'm not being political in saying that. I sincerely say she did horrible.
They would have been better off to bring Hillary back than all this.
Don't worry, we will have multiply election centers stop counting overnight then when they start back up they will say they found 50M Harris slips, water main break in high Trump areas, people dropping off car loads of ballots in the cheat boxes in high Harris areas and a few glitches. Normal stuff.

I just find it fascinating when every election since 2004 had between 120 and 130 million votes cast, then in 2024 with the absentee ballot situation we approached 160 million. How long were they counting votes in the five major metro areas within the five swing states needed? Weeks? The actual number Biden won by Georgia was only around 17 or 18 thousand. You could easily come up with that in Fulton County alone. For three years we had to listen to the mainstream media call Trump a Russian asset, how he wasn't a legitimate president, and watch their investigation with their people go nowhere. But that really wasn't the point was it? Its narrative, its always about the ignorant American public and the narratives driven into society for years, with a two minute retraction and correction in the night. All of that because Russia paid for ads on Facebook. Trump having an opinion that the 2020 election was stolen is not a lie, he is entitled to his opinion. Now we have social media banning free speech and legitimate stories like a Hunter Biden laptop with photos of him having sex with minors and prostitutes, cocaine, and backdoor business deals with his father's influence. I've said this a million times, Trump winning in 2016 completely blindsided those in power as they thought Hillary would destroy him. The Ukraine operation would continue as planned, and onward with the complex to grow even larger. More free trade with all manufacturing eventually being abroad with a two class system fully entrenched in the US. Those in a wealthy service sector (majority coastal elites) and poor unemployed laborer's in the middle of the country.
Most here, where Trump supporters are in the majority, thought Harris did terribly regarding the Fox News interview. Most at AmericanWx, with very few Trump supporters, thought Harris did very well.

Imagine that.
We've all seen the posters over there, I don't think any of us would be the least bit surprised at their confirmation bias.

I'm willing to agree that she did well in the debate against Trump because she was fed the questions ahead of time, and he was an idiot and took the bait on every jab and go off on a tangent.
We really appreciate you posting a great example of MSNBC propaganda. Great find.
Anything I can do to help point out how terrible this guy is....his own wife won't campaign with him...his first VP and pretty much every cabinet official won't vote for him....he surrounds himself with the worst people...he doesn't have the ability to put together a coherent thought or sentence..and now apparently he is trying to keep Stormy quiet so she won't talk about how he cheated on his third wife while she was home with his 3 month old son or maybe even something worse.
Anything I can do to help point out how terrible this guy is....his own wife won't campaign with him...his first VP and pretty much every cabinet official won't vote for him....he surrounds himself with the worst people...he doesn't have the ability to put together a coherent thought or sentence..and now apparently he is trying to keep Stormy quiet so she won't talk about how he cheated on his third wife while she was home with his 3 month old son or maybe even something worse.
Oh well.... If you were so concerned you shouldn't have rebuked all of us for saying Biden was too old a year ago... And you definitely shouldn't have supported Kamala being next in line... You would think you would have picked a winner to beat Trump.
Oh well.... If you were so concerned you shouldn't have rebuked all of us for saying Biden was too old a year ago... And you definitely shouldn't have supported Kamala being next in line... You would think you would have picked a winner to beat Trump.
Was hoping that the GOP would pick someone I could possibly support or someone that would at least let me feel good about voting 3rd party like I did in 2016.
Anything I can do to help point out how terrible this guy is....his own wife won't campaign with him...his first VP and pretty much every cabinet official won't vote for him....he surrounds himself with the worst people...he doesn't have the ability to put together a coherent thought or sentence..and now apparently he is trying to keep Stormy quiet so she won't talk about how he cheated on his third wife while she was home with his 3 month old son or maybe even something worse.

I almost never see anyone's wife at campaign events outside of conventions, so this is invalid. Cabinet members? Most of his former cabinet members are part of the establishment, and I wouldn't expect them to vote for him. He was obviously more confident in his choices moving his agenda forward in his prior administration, but that was poor thinking on his part. They are part of a larger slave class for the the cabal that includes the military industrial complex. They take their orders form above, and their sole mission was to guide him like every other puppet to carry out whatever money making operation is going on at the time.

Can you please let this Stormy Daniel thing go? Why do you keep embarrassing yourself with it. Nobody cares. Every time you speak or post something of it you just prove how manipulated you can be. Let it go man, nobody cares.
I've got a quick breaking news flash...

If you have Republicans laughing at Kamala's interview from yesterday, and the vast majority of Democrats/those who are going for Kamala thinking she did fine.

You've come up with a deal that isn't a needle mover!

I don't follow them, but pretty much everyone I look at who considers themselves to be center left on Twitter/X said she did what she needed to do.
What is /r saying?
This is spot on...all most of us want at this point is an adult for president...can you imagine if she had called him some stupid insulting name...or called him and his supporters enemies of America...or went on rambling long rants about everything but the question....this was miles better than anything Trump would have done and exactly why Trump wouldnt debate her again.

This viewpoint is obviously based on the interview she gave in a parallel dimension of the multiverse, where she did in fact discuss policy, answer questions directly, exhibit a calm, collected, and joyfull demeanor, and showed true leadership by sharing a vision, skillfully navigating a tough interview, and not resorting to focusing 90% of her responses on someone who has not been in office for nearly 4 years.
Lol Trump is literally late to every event he schedules....and has left early because his handlers have cut it short numerous times....do you think Trump did poorly in all those events?
Of course he's done poorly in interviews before. Not sure how you can spike the ball after that mess yesterday evening.