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Ostrich December

It's been absolutely nothing for me, winter weather wise, since I came back from New Hampshire. Hopefully this bad mojo ends this winter... maybe next week? I'm moving away from Zebulon and toward western Triangle by next spring so I'll be in a better position for next winter.
Im in Chatham Co. And it isnt any better here than Wake, maybe a few exceptions.
Pretty classic mid-Atlantic major event on the GEM, H5 looks strung out on the GFS and even still there getting close to a foot. HP is not exceptional and never makes it down to NY but 50/50 just locks it in beautifully. Monday’s system does appear to be trending stronger which helps to build the colder air in behind it.
Imo assuming things keep trending the way they are and the stronger CAD rule applies, I think the NW Piedmont/Foothills down to about Statesville sees more sleet and maybe on-set snow out of this while areas from the northern Upstate SC region to CLT points NW sees more ZR.

Things can and do always change though.
GEM much more pronounced with the trough axis, something to watch, and it’s ensembles support it. The earlier the transfer the better, especially for those along 40 and down the 85 corridor towards GSP.
Imo assuming things keep trending the way they are and the stronger CAD rule applies, I think the NW Piedmont/Foothills down to about Statesville sees more sleet and maybe on-set snow out of this while areas from the northern Upstate SC region to CLT points NW sees more ZR.

Things can and do always change though.
That’s what I have right now. Think the cutoff in the upstate will run from the city of Anderson to Laurens to Union to Chester north for any kind of frozen. And most of not all will be ZR.