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Pattern October Thread

I'm not going to lie I'm jealous to see the rain amounts to our SW I thought we were reeling it in.
I'm jealous to see the rains 10 miles SE of me. I know that's been my theme this season to complain about lack of rain, I no longer care about lack of snow because everyone here is experiencing that, but now no rain either....
That's clearly wrong now since heavier amounts are definitely making their way further east in GA. If you look at that map, Athens would get almost nothing, yet it's getting pummeled atm.
It's right for most of NC and SC and I think it's actually too wet east of I-77. Gonna be like Sept 2009 except that GA does not get nearly as much rain as they did then.
The rain definitely setup shop more east then modeled, but still widespread over an inch.
I have had off an on rain sunday night through yesterday and got close to an inch. Now it has been raining nonstop for several hours, starting overnight. Now we're up to an inch and a half.
You are in a great spot. Still not a drop since yesterday here and ground is barely even wet. This event is over from Union and Cherokiee counties and east in SC.