Not talking about the Carolinas. I said Alabama and GeorgiaHow would it not translate further east into the Carolinas, it's not a coincidence most of the 0z NWP models just beefed up the QPF over central-eastern NC on the 0z suite in concurrence w/ the higher verification further NW. Sure we've seen over performing storms before but you don't think its a little ridiculous to say the least when there's an order of magnitude more snow than forecast upstream to say that this won't implicate those downstream because it certainly has already for central-western TN & AR. This storm has taken overachievement to a whole other dimension in parts of KY & MO. The excess and poorly forecast precipitation here is associated w/ diabatic heating that generates cyclonic potential vorticity which grows exponentially upscale and amplifies the downstream wave pattern. It does certainly have an effect, and it may be pretty significant given what's happened thus far...
But yes i agree its stupid how off the models have been so far
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