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March 18-19th Possible Severe Wx Outbreak

That storm around Jonesville is definitely concerning, the southern cell I thought would be the big dog is struggling more than I thought, may not be close enough to the mesolow to experience sufficient synoptic-mesoscale forcing for ascent to keep itself going
May have just had a weak tornado go over us. Extremely heavy rain and one major gust of wind hit at the same time. Was like a wall of wind and water hit. The wind lasted about 20 seconds and the rain for about 3-4 minutes. Radar showed what looked like a small hook go over as this happened.
Like I said earlier, the Sun is very intermittent, only coming out every few minutes or so. However since it was out earlier and because the warm front cleared this area, it's likely won't affect the SB Cape at this point. The wind energy is clearly very strong, as I can hear it from outside my house.