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Tropical Major Hurricane Michael

Yeah, GFS looked about the same to me. Just one minor difference. Seems like we might be settling onto what's going to happen.
Michael looks like he's moving NNW atm, or am I seeing things? Please anyone
Fv3 jumps from hr 36 yo 60, what's landfall?
FV3 looks a bit east. I’m starting to think Macon will be the sweet spot for GA
Actually, looks west a little at landfall. Maybe more east inland? Well after second look, just barely by a few miles east. But that's off the 12z data anyways
Just a tension breaker, but I’m enjoying Alex Wilson’s live coverage so far!:):weenie:
Holy Crap!!
Since I have no idea where the post is in the Florence thread, I cannot refer anyone to it, but Shawn mentioned a reason why we cannot go live due to something involving our server plan. In short, we can't go live. Unless Shawn says something contradictory to what I just said that is.
Man its a good thing that hwrf isnt on a NW heading. Talk about the perfect angle to bury NO. Make no mistake the shape of the Florida coastline where Michael is going to make landfall has its own issues, bowl shaped. Luckily they arent below sea level
C80E5D8C-3B60-4C83-BB1A-F6FDCC7CA087.png Incoming t storm, pre-game for Michael