Still have power...amazingly...we've had close calls, the latest being the power turning off for about 30 seconds but still on.
Seems like sometimes all they need is a excuseMan trees are falling crazy in just 30 mph winds
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It does. It seems like it should just be pouring.Radar, here in Huntsville, has me all kinds of confused. It shows that we should be getting some decent rain, but it's done nothing but drizzle here.
It does seem that way. Seems like it should be pouring.Radar, here in Huntsville, has me all kinds of confused. It shows that we should be getting some decent rain, but it's done nothing but drizzle here.
It's the wind making it look like the rain isn't falling heavier, but it is.Radar, here in Huntsville, has me all kinds of confused. It shows that we should be getting some decent rain, but it's done nothing but drizzle here.
Hows the daredevil at USF?On-line for now - power...
Obviously had some spinners last night - could here them from about 1:00 to 3:00 and trees are twisted - have the top of a massive live oak in the front yard as big around as a person's thigh, and about 20' long, and another even bigger sitting on the feeder line into the house - resting on the pole; ergo, when it slips, if the power company doesn't get here 1st, a whole section of folks down the line, and I, will be powerless again.
But, we're all alive, thank God, though the southern headquarters took a hit.
Hope all of y'all up the way are faring well!
Praying for you as I'm sure y'all were doing for us last night!