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Tropical Major Hurricane Helene

To illustrate what a few of us have been harpen about potential catastrophe in the making in the mountains. This is a current statement from a wx poster up there. Folks they will get annialated first half of Friday when center gets right up against the ridge lines. This on top of what LF all up through GA,Upstate will be dealing with. Prayers up for all of you to keep safe. Gone be some long weeks ahead for some on here dealing with property loss issues for sure.

So far I've gotten 5.26 today. I think we were forecast to get 4-6 it'll be interesting to see how much we get through tomorrow
My aunt lives in Tallahassee. She'll be staying for the duration of the storm. I'm thankful the storm will be passing to her west. Praying for those in the path of Helene in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas tonight and tomorrow.
On another weather board, they are saying it's wobbling more west and may come closer to Tallahassee.
Has the weather channel or anyone talked about why the cone is so far west but when they run the model it’s east? Or are they just ignoring it.
Don't know exactly what happened but look like the roof got ripped off the building the guy from TWC was staying in on camera before he went to commercial