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Tropical Major Hurricane Helene

Asheville spent Millions on the River Arts District. Apartment complex just got approved. It will all be under water.
I hope not - but you have the Swannanoa and the French Broad both experiencing major flooding as per water.noaa.gov gauge data suggests. If this qpf outlook validates - and we see another 10-12" on top of what was recorded yesterday, today and tomorrow - there will be big problems in Asheville and surrounding areas.
uh oh.
                     UW - CIMSS                    
                    ADT-Version 9.1               
         Tropical Cyclone Intensity Algorithm      

             ----- Current Analysis -----
     Date :  26 SEP 2024    Time :   221020 UTC
      Lat :   27:54:35 N     Lon :   84:18:00 W

                CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
                6.3 / 929.2mb/122.2kt

             Final T#  Adj T#  Raw T#
                6.3     6.3     6.9
uh oh.
                     UW - CIMSS                   
                    ADT-Version 9.1              
         Tropical Cyclone Intensity Algorithm     

             ----- Current Analysis -----
     Date :  26 SEP 2024    Time :   221020 UTC
      Lat :   27:54:35 N     Lon :   84:18:00 W

                CI# /Pressure/ Vmax
                6.3 / 929.2mb/122.2kt

             Final T#  Adj T#  Raw T#
                6.3     6.3     6.9
Storms just don’t weaken in the gulf. Quite the opposite. They always get worse.
I think what you are seeing is that the radar beam isn't able to penetrate the Eastern eye wall twice, so you simply can't see it on radar.

I guess it is possible, but earlier I could see both walls pretty well for pretty much most of the day and other radars though far away showed the same. The western side has been weaker, but that consolidation earlier was impressive.
The track is going to be important. The only semi major metro area near where its landfalling is Tallahassee (which is well inland, but will have significant wind impacts depending on the track), but it looks like they could sneak by just west of the eye depending on how things develop. That would be huge for them as it’s much weaker on the western side at this point. It’s important to note KTLH is southwest of town itself.
The track is going to be important. The only semi major metro area near where its landfalling is Tallahassee (which is well inland, but will have significant wind impacts depending on the track), but it looks like they could sneak by just west of the eye depending on how things develop. That would be huge for them as it’s much weaker on the western side at this point. It’s important to note KTLH is southwest of town itself.
I've gotta think that even if they're on the west side, they'll at least get Hurricane gusts ? Heck way up in GA 200 miles north is forecast to get Hurricane gusts on the west side of the storm.