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Tropical Major Hurricane Florence

Just pulled myself from Braves baseball on the West Coast (#ChopOn, y'all) to look at the board and the models.

Any westward bias at this point changes the game inland. A landfall at Myrtle vs. north of Wilmington has long-term impacts well away from the coast.

Wish this would turn out to sea, but not seeing that as an option at this point. Everybody be safe!

Saw this on the other board. Last 3 runs of the GFS. Bless its heart it’s really trying. It’s not its fault it isn’t coupled with the oceanB3C2EB13-65F5-4E85-A43E-2A5F76A398BF.gif
still don't trust the gfs.. those 'historic' low pressures are major outliers. Gfs against NHC and all other models, I'll take NHC. Although a lot of people will owe some big league apologies to the american model if that looping action becomes reality.
GFS, you're drunk - go home.
Wow, she is yanking west. You still need to be thinking a South Carolina or Georgia landfall is possible. EURO ensembles will just not let go of this idea, and I certainly see how it is possible if this storm continues to move faster, westward, and at a lower latitude like it is doing now.