View attachment 63898
I've updated my map based on trends in the short range models yesterday and this morning. The ULL has trended further south and Snow starts to creep down to the I85 corridor sooner. (3K Nam actually has it by midnight). Some local mets have started the trend of pushing their accumulations further south as well. The mountains are almost a bet to get at 6" here. The Western escarpment looks perfect as well. The further west you are in this situation the better it looks to get the heaviest precip and colder temperatures. I think those south of 85 will see some snow but it's all dependent on the backend stuff. Ratios will likely be higher as colder air hits the column and the rates in that band will be very heavy. Southern Cherokee County, Southern Spartanburg county and suburbs, and a good portion of Greenville think can get an inch with pockets of slightly higher amounts with that back end stuff. That extends towards Charlotte eastward. Areas along and North of 85 it looks like the frontend and middle will deliver a little more. 2 inches I think is likely here with pockets of higher. The closer you get to the mountains (Inman, TR, Chesnee) the better chance you'll have to see those higher amounts as would areas along and west of 77. The mountains of SC towards Landrum will likely see 3-6" here with the higher end on the mountain tops. I am going to watch throughout the day to see how the mesoscale real time analysts are matching the short range models and the trends of the ULL to continue to push south as we have seen so far.