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Pattern January 2021 - Joyless January

That’s what you get not knowing how to read the models and all the variables and taking verbatim what others say.

Even if it was from a meteorologist? And only people who can read the models should be interested and participle here?
Probably not in time to help us but it helps us with the following system
Yep, EPS likes that idea, should be interesting to see what 00z does with the second system, v16/GFS/GEFS don’t want nothing to do with it while the ECMWF/EPS likes it
We will be in the 50’s by the time verification happens. NAM is pushing the wedge further south and holding on longer with each run
Not that it means much but temps are 4-5 degrees warmer than what the NAM had for us now. 43/20 . It forecasted a high of 44 today and we got up to 46. Supposed to be upper 30s right now but holding steady instead ! Here’s to a huge bust on the upside ( almost never happens but it has before , like 1/6 CAD events maybe ).

temp and dew rose a degree across the region last hour actually . Come on baby push ! Push!