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Pattern January 2021 - Joyless January

Really hard to get over this one. We had a big dog and one stupid thing is literally blocking us from getting it. We will probably get some random 1" in the middle of Feb or March in-between weeks in the 70s.

Yep...in 2018 we get things to go are way. In other winters, we get this. Sucks...why I'm ready for some spring weather but with cool nights.
We are a few tweaks away from something still in NC something tells me we haven’t seen the final product with this thing... 100+ hours out still and people don’t think this changes more?
I hope this upper low does keep shifting southeast just to prove it won't matter.

Yeah because if the low goes southeast with it comes more cold air and confluence than we ever had before, but no we definitely don’t want that. There’s a good reason you’ve been on my ignore list for a while now
Yeah because if the low goes southeast with it comes more cold air and confluence than we ever had before, but no we definitely don’t want that. There’s a good reason you’ve been on my ignore list for a while now
Same. You have no idea what you're talking about. You've consistently demonstrated a lack of basic knowledge of synoptic meteorology and your posts are worthless. Stop responding to me.
Same. You have no idea what you're talking about. You've consistently demonstrated a lack of basic knowledge of synoptic meteorology and your posts are worthless. Stop responding to me.
Yeah says the dude who’s trying to talk to a well established meteorologist with 2 degrees who’s spent most of his career studying winter storms in nc. I think now would be a good as good of a time as ever for you to start reading more and posting less because your takes and analysis are horrible
Yeah says the dude who’s trying to talk to a well established meteorologist with 2 degrees who’s spent most of his career studying winter storms in nc. I think now would be a good as good of a time as ever for you to start reading more and posting less because your takes and analysis are horrible
I have more of everything than you do, so I'd suggest you stand down padawan.
I gotta be honest these constantly disappointing winters are becoming almost emotionally exhausting. Feels like we go through this every year now. I realize things can change but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be optimistic about any winter wx for NC. A couple of days ago some modeling had the majority of the snow in SC and the southern piedmont. Now it looks like we get to watch the MA get plastered, like always. I’m defeated you all.

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headed the other way with pushing that TPV piece has introduced some really cold air at H85 closer, we need it to keep going that way and somehow get a more southern track with the cutoff, just a little bit more south helps, 2 more ticks of this and it starts wrapping in this really cold air aloft 607D886A-22AF-451E-A44B-CD56D09C3BCE.gif