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Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow, Rain...Kitchen Sink (12/15-16)

I have noticed the last few wedge events have been poor. Either the high was not strong enough, or anchored in very well etc.....Why can't we get a good wedge that drives in the low level dry air (SFC) and (925) with Td in the like the single digits....I know I am just talking/venting...but wedges have not been the same lately for sure.
I don't understand why this setup has been such a bust for most of us. We had pretty close to a classic CAD setup with strong HP pretty anchored and in a good position, yet the NE winds last night were anemic and did not do the job. I've seen much worse insitu CAD setups with fleeting HP and weker perform better.

Did something disrupt the NE flow or was the air North of us just not cold enough?

Lack of snow pack to our north???
I have noticed the last few wedge events have been poor. Either the high was not strong enough, or anchored in very well etc.....Why can't we get a good wedge that drives in the low level dry air (SFC) and (925) with Td in the like the single digits....I know I am just talking/venting...but wedges have not been the same lately for sure.
And to further that every time I see a wedge showing on the models that looks iffy, going super conservative. Lol
Nice NE breeze this morning. Wasnt present last night as late as 11 pm. Think HP was just a tick slower geeting anchored in perfect postion. Hence moisture got going about same time. Better served to get it established funneling lower dps down several hrs before clouds precip roll in. Timing is everything, even in ice n cad deals.
I have noticed the last few wedge events have been poor. Either the high was not strong enough, or anchored in very well etc.....Why can't we get a good wedge that drives in the low level dry air (SFC) and (925) with Td in the like the single digits....I know I am just talking/venting...but wedges have not been the same lately for sure.
I truly think this didn’t have the cold push with it like you would normally see with a high in that location because of the lack of snowpack over the interior northeast. I think the result would have been at least a few degrees colder had this set up occurred with snowpack up north.
What track is the parent low supposed to take? Roughly from where to where? I know it’s changed from a couple of days ago.
Lol mid-Atlantic weenies are getting pissed.

They're really underestimating the warm air aloft surging in from the Atlantic and the storm simply isn't deep enough to pull in a deeper cold air mass in the mid to upper levels. The biggest winners are this storm system will definitely be the ones about 100-200 miles inland from the coast. Cold enough to get snow, but still getting enough of that rich moist atlantic air mass to get very heavy snowfall. Can't imagine what the rate of snowfall will be like in upper central PA when the CCB band comes through.
Most of the ice I had started sticking after 10am. Prob .15”. Very foggy and trees are glittering. Winter wonderland. Just a few grassy areas near the ground have ice. All metal objects are of course coated.