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Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow, Rain...Kitchen Sink (12/15-16)

We are in the Asbury area. Sitting at 35/29 right now. Pretty sure we won’t see anything frozen unless a miracle happens in the next few hours. I’m up at 5am but seeing models I’m sure it’s not going to happen. Of course but unless all the models are wrong, we are out on this one.
Asbury, Chatham Church area cools off better overnight than Pittsboro, so theres that working for ya.
I'm pretty sure NYC is still getting close to a foot of snow even with mixing. Or at least the NW suburbs for sure. NYC is a lock to get at least 8".

Not if that low continues to move in the direction that modeling is showing. They MAY get 8 inches, but even then, once it changes over to IP, ZR, or even rain those totals are going to get crushed. Much like our fantasy storms do. Every. Single. Time.
I feel ya bro. The upstate SUX for winter weather and that's just the truth. Clouds literally rolled in here at 5:45. Temp is 43 and holding. How do the clouds never wait until midnight?
Yeah the Bad thing is I'm up next to the Mountains Lake Keowee in Northern Pickens co. Usually do fair here. But not so sure this go around

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GSP discussion said precipitation is breaking out earlier than guidance to the south and they expect the southern escarpment to report mix precipitation in the next few hours. I'm on my phone or I'd paste that's all basically never seems to fail precip moving in sooner than expected. U can see the drizzle/ light precip forming off the WAA coming off the Atlantic.

Yep that's 100% a deformation band, very strong low-level convergence axis parallel to the low track

GSP discussion said precipitation is breaking out earlier than guidance to the south and they expect the southern escarpment to report mix precipitation in the next few hours. I'm on my phone or I'd paste that's all basically never seems to fail precip moving in sooner than expected. U can see the drizzle/ light precip forming off the WAA coming off the Atlantic.

Lol precip breaking out earlier than forecast in a CAD event with warm advection and isentropic upglide? So shocked!
Yep that's 100% a deformation band, very strong low-level convergence axis parallel to the low track

Lol precip breaking out earlier than forecast in a CAD event with warm advection and isentropic upglide? So shocked!
The South Mtns really help our county as a whole with the upglide. I hope it stays sleet throughout I've looked at soundings all day and its close.
The South Mtns really help our county as a whole with the upglide. I hope it stays sleet throughout I've looked at soundings all day and its close.
Got some family in Old Fort which is the valley of Black Mountain, I imagine their surface temp could stay locked in for a while.