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Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow, Rain...Kitchen Sink (12/15-16)

NAM, HRRR, 3K Nam, and the RGEM are anywhere from 4-7 degrees too warm with DPs currently.

Area-wide when you compare the 18z mesoanalysis obs w/ the 3km NAM, they're not too far off overall, dews definitely look lower than forecast over north-central Virginia with widespread reports of near 20-upper 10s, while the NAM forecast mid 20s. Will have to see if those can be advected southwestward into the Carolinas later today & tonight.


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My doubts are really sinking in. Warm sunny day all object soaking in the heat, and a cloud deck tonight to secure it in. That HP will have to do some serious work.
Current wet bulb temps. Definitely a map to watch over the coming hours esp in the western piedmont. Still hanging in the upper 30s atm but once we lose solar insolation from the day and as the CAD builds in, these should really drop over the evening & nighttime hours.

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Hope thats the case for those wanting winter weather.
Euro's cold air damming high looks too strong near initialization on the 12z run from this morning. Not seeing any obs of sfc pressures above 1033 over Ontario & the MSLP contours are too far south along the US east coast.
