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Severe Flooding 2/18-21, 2019

WPC has expanded the heavy rain area north and west. Tennessee River Valley all the way to Kentucky Lake, lookout!
Looks like this might be lifting to the north a bit and we could see decreased rain totals.
You can almost always count on that to happen....just like with the “snow events” we have. Models love to overdo qpf and cold in the medium/long range. And they also like to produce this east-west axis of heaviest precip that inevitably ends up oriented SW-NE, and usually (for at least part of the axis) ends up farther north than initially progged.
What did the 12Z euro show for rain accumulation
Huge swath of 3-10" plus rainfall from Louisiana to West Virginia this week. A lot of this area had saturated soil already. By this time next week we may be seeing some dramatic flooding situations unfolding somewhere.
I’m cutting my rain totals by about 8”. Keeps trending dryer. Which is a good thing. Still going to flood but moreso west of the blue ridge.
50 Miles either side of I-40 from Memphis to Nashville looks like the ground zero. Interesting how this heavy rain event has trended north and west the last several days.
Well I am glad the totals went down. It isn’t going to take much if the saturated ground to cause issues.

So would we call this a bust?? Looking like a 2-5 inch rain for most.View attachment 15951
Not sure it's a bust. If you consider the rain that has fallen the last few days and add to the totals yet to come we are still relatively close to the 10 day rain amounts of mid month. for once if it does bust completely I wouldn't mind.
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