Pattern Flaming Feb 2021

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I like that look this far out .. don’t want to be in jackpot this far out .. cold cad always trends colder ... southern track looks to not favor an apps runner ... did I cover it all

Like I said the other day, cold rain cad always does trend colder, at least until you hit 32-33F and then it stops and you get the coldest rain possible
Well that’s no bueno, the pattern the ensembles have been hinting at in starting to show up the ECMWF, I’d watch this across the gulf coast regions, don’t like when models toss a cutoff in the SW only to get picked back up and eject East, I bet cad areas get CADed 9D09C05D-E22F-4042-BD08-71C9D67A3E35.pngB8763224-10E6-4B64-8D41-55DEB174BCE1.pngBE6EDFFC-904A-4E5C-829E-4C533BB8780E.png
Why do we constantly torture ourselves with this model madness? For real though what in the hell did we do here in the Carolina's to deserve this? I mean Texas got snow all way to the Mexico border and coast, as well as LA, and MS. Portland also had a major snow and ice event last week. What's next? Snow in San Diego? Like @Webberweather53 alluded to we see less snow event's but tend to get the big dogs during this time. But enough of this CAD crap. It's miserable.
Why do we constantly torture ourselves with this model madness? For real though what in the hell did we do here in the Carolina's to deserve this? I mean Texas got snow all way to the Mexico border and coast, as well as LA, and MS. Portland also had a major snow and ice event last week. What's next? Snow in San Diego? Like @Webberweather53 alluded to we see less snow event's but tend to get the big dogs during this time. But enough of this CAD crap. It's miserable.
We unfortunately can’t control the weather, but the weather is gonna control us mentally with CADing us while RNK is reporting heavy wet snow at 31 degrees
Why do we constantly torture ourselves with this model madness? For real though what in the hell did we do here in the Carolina's to deserve this? I mean Texas got snow all way to the Mexico border and coast, as well as LA, and MS. Portland also had a major snow and ice event last week. What's next? Snow in San Diego? Like @Webberweather53 alluded to we see less snow event's but tend to get the big dogs during this time. But enough of this CAD crap. It's miserable.
This is definitely the worst snow drought for CLT metro since the early 90s. KCLT went from 2/1989 to 3/1993 without recording a snowfall of more than a 1/2 inch. That drought ended with 2 inches that the airport received from the Superstorm, though of course northern Mecklenburg/ northern Cabarrus and points nw got a lot more with that one. Hopefully when this drought ends, it will end with a big dog.