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Wintry February 7-8 Winter storm

Don't think I've seen this posted before during winter weather, but this a current map of the max wetbulb temp. Of course it's straddling just barely south of the I-20 corridor in GA.
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Good map. This will definitely be important going forward with boundary layer temps. I'm currently at 30.4 with a WB of about 29. Hoping to drop a couple of more degrees at least (there should still be some CAA at this point). Remember that 2M temps usually rise (sometimes dramatically) as soon as clouds come in. I'm hoping that it won't be as significant this time due to the orientation of the winds and precip (more from the West instead of SW) but it's always something to keep an eye on. Plus without super dry air (DPs in the teens or single digits) there won't be much evaporational cooling, but we should also cut down on virga. We have to take our chances with the potential for colder (evap cooled) air with less available precip, or the juicer air with more borderline temps. Never easy around here.
Chris justice showed maps that showed pretty much no accumulation across upstate. he obviously going with the Hrrrr

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For the upstate if this thing comes in 11-12 o clock it’s mostly rain I’m afraid. If it can get in here early we be ok. Georgia will do well though

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The HRRR is only model not showing much snow for the upstate. It's on it's own so I'm not really buying it.

This may be why it's not showing snow though. Not saying it won't but I think the HRRR is "seeing" the warmer air over the upstate by the time it gets here. Early and West is defintely better. Hopefully we all bust a little colder (and wetter) though!
Road temps in North GA are starting hit the freezing mark.

I'm curious how the road conditions are going to be like when the snow starts falling tomorrow AM. I bet there is going to be some road/traffic issues. The snow is going to be heavy and wet, it wouldn't take much to create slick conditions on some road ways.
RGEM is beefy


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We're at 30/26 with 87 percent humidity here in NE Forsyth County, Ga. Elevation 1,217 feet (sorry, working on other stuff and haven't figured out yet how to update my profile to add my elevation).

After the past two winters, where the ONLY snow my eyes saw were 1.) A little bit of mixing a few weeks ago for all of two minutes, and 2.) The flurries this morning, I'm really hoping we verify and we get a few hours of decent snow here.

The last snow of any note I remember here was mid-January 2018, where we had an inch of dry powder during a really cold outbreak (the month before, we got eight inches in the storm three weeks before Christmas in December 2017).

We cash in with this one, and I can call it a winter and move on to baseball season (Go Braves!).

Thanks to all for the great and helpful discussion today and tonight. Good luck everybody!

I have 4 thermometers out now and they all are 24-25. I don't get why I seem colder than others on here. I'll take it though. It sure feels like it. NWS says 32 but I think that's from the Airport which is south. I'm north of 85. Maybe that's what it is. I wanted to be N of 85 even if it was one foot. LOL
I'm thinking higher elevations in N GA like Brasstown Bald and Sky Valley may overachieve... would love to be at either of those places for this event
I'm 30/28. I wonder why my dewpoint isn't dropping more. Is this the result of a meso high or a hybrid CAD? I'm colder than Atlanta, but Atlanta has a lower dewpoint. I am 91% humidity though so that's probably contributing.
FWIW all the weather stations in my area north ATL inside 285 are showing DPs around 28-29.