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Pattern February 2024

Well we went from 2 members to 5 members so you’re saying there’s a chance ?

I’m just keeping an eye for fun. It’s been so bad for my backyard since December of 2017 and we had been getting spoiled with at least one solid event a winter for many years. This is by far the longest drought we’ve had that I can remember but thankfully we live close to the mountains.

Maybe we can keep trending in the right direction. I’m like many of you on here, I’ll hold on until it’s peak severe season.

DT getting pessimistic, his reasoning is fair

Yeah, this ok pattern to me seems to be 100% Atlantic driven imo . Pacific frankly still sucks to me. Trough hangs out near the west coast not the Aleutians (as always), and is almost zonal flow across the US. We get a quick Alaskan Ridge but it's in and out like a McDonald's drive through. MJO again refuses to get to phase 8. Pacific just won't work for us. Hopefully it changes, but why?

The long-range (late February/March) pattern forecasts are likely to be especially uncertain given the growing likelihood of a long-lasting SSWE.
Yeah, this ok pattern to me seems to be 100% Atlantic driven imo . Pacific frankly still sucks to me. Trough hangs out near the west coast not the Aleutians (as always), and is almost zonal flow across the US. We get a quick Alaskan Ridge but it's in and out like a McDonald's drive through. MJO again refuses to get to phase 8. Pacific just won't work for us. Hopefully it changes, but why?

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MJO definitely looks to be going into Phase 8. We don't need the Pacific to be the biggest player here. You spike a +PNA and we will be cold and dry with everything being situated along the gulf and east coast. the Atlantic being the biggest player with even a neutral to slightly +PNA and -EPO is more than enough for us to score.
VP charts look like phase 8, with weak rising nosing into Africa View attachment 145926
Thank you for pointing this out. It’s been mentioned numerous times this winter that the RMM charts are just not accurate on the MJO progression this year. This definitely shows it going to phase 8
Just needed a little bit more northern stream press and that would have been big.
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Exactly. And do we really want to be in the bullseye this many days out? Nope. At least it appears we have something legit to track soon. And it appeared there was more energy on it's heels with temps supportive of some fun.