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Pattern February 2024

Looks like the “get cutters to drop snow to our north” phase starts late next week.
we are going to need a few cutters to cut and drop a blanket of snow to our north...should give us a solid 2-3 days to score
The window has always been to begin around Valentines with chances increasing from that period onward as the window opens more thru the month. I personally think ~17th-~25th is best opportunity locally for me
But...the GEFS is kind of meh on 2/15. EP0 still positive. That's why I'm not ready to start breakdancing on day 13+ model runs.

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I really don’t think that’s our time period anyways. It’s going to have to happen the last 10 days of February or either we obviously are banking on March snow.
I really don’t think that’s our time period anyways. It’s going to have to happy the last 10 days of February or either we obviously are banking on March snow.
After the first few days of March most are done...so yeah, at best we are looking at 10 day window. We going to need the pattern to be perfect and we are going to need biblical luck.
March will be too late except for some anomalous (dripping snow). Saw a decent one once when I was in Greenville, NC back in '83. Late Feb's a little better but last good one was Feb 2015(?) which happened on 23rd-25th--That's doable but getting rough late in the year.
For those of us in the Deep South, I think that we all would take a repeat of February 25-26 1914 and be not severely disappointed with no winter weather for the next year or two. The law of averages says that the entire region is well overdue for a classic late winter storm, I keep maintaining that this current snow drought is going to be broken in a big way when the time finally transpires for it to end.
For those of us in the Deep South, I think that we all would take a repeat of February 25-26 1914 and be not severely disappointed with no winter weather for the next year or two. The law of averages says that the entire region is well overdue for a classic late winter storm, I keep maintaining that this current snow drought is going to be broken in a big way when the time finally transpires for it to end.
I mean it did happening over 100 years ago so its possible. I would consider that as overdue.
Pattern change inc………View attachment 144877
That lobe of cold air is our last shot. However it rotates in or out is what our hope is hanging on. We don’t have time for that thing to retrograde back around the pole. By the time it makes it back our days are longer, our sun is hotter, and the Bradford pear trees are in full bloom.