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Pattern Fail or Fab February 2023 Pattern Thread

I mean the cooler days taking down the ground temps somewhat, it definitely will have a little effect, but will be back to speeding up again this week, especially later this week when nighttime temps are in 40s and 50s

Those lows are typical of mid April.

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It’s possible. Small white flowers I’ve typically seen blooming in mid March. I’ll take some pics and you horticulture experts can let me know.

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If you don’t know how to ID dogwoods, probably shouldn’t be posting about them. Doesn’t take a horticulture expert to sleuth this out. It’s like saying you don’t know how to ID magnolias.
If you don’t know how to ID dogwoods, probably shouldn’t be posting about them. Doesn’t take a horticulture expert to sleuth this out. It’s like saying you don’t know how to ID magnolias.

They looked like dogwoods…it was jarring to see them in bloom is all. If I’m wrong about the species then I’m sorry. It’s ok to be wrong. I’m glad to learn from fellow posters. But I’ll continue to post what comes to mind as it pertains to the weather and it’s effects. I guess you’ll just have to be ok with it since this is a shared space.

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They looked like dogwoods…it was jarring to see them in bloom is all. If I’m wrong about the species then I’m sorry. It’s ok to be wrong. I’m glad to learn from fellow posters. But I’ll continue to post what comes to mind as it pertains to the weather and it’s effects. I guess you’ll just have to be ok with it since this is a shared space.

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A lot of things bloom in February around here, especially if it’s been mild for a few weeks. Redbuds, forsythia, daffodils, maybe pear trees. This isn’t anything new, and shouldn’t be jarring - just nature’s cycle.
There is a type of cherry that blooms during the winter so that is a lot of what is seen. Thanks he Japanese will be opening soon if not already. Dogwoods opening in March would be early. Daffodils are out and some red maples are swelling but that’s it my way.
There is a Bradford pear in full bloom down the street from me.
We may be on to spring but a real battle zone setting up for the I-95 corridor in the northeast.

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A lot of things bloom in February around here, especially if it’s been mild for a few weeks. Redbuds, forsythia, daffodils, maybe pear trees. This isn’t anything new, and shouldn’t be jarring - just nature’s cycle.
I never seen buttercups come up freaking January like this year . Last week January they were coming through ground . Blooming now
As warm as this winter has been I’m pretty sure the 2016 / 2017 winter was worse. Snow wise We only had a trace and like 2-3 flurry events here. January was really warm and probably the worst January I’ve experienced as far as warmth. At one point I went like 18-19 days without dropping below freezing which is unheard of this far north In the dead of winter. Usually even in the warmer winters like this one I’ll rarely go more then 6-7 days without dropping below freezing for a few nights in a row. Last night I got down to 27.3 which about 1 degree below my average for this time of year. It looks like it’s going to get extremely warm this week before going back to cold Thursday night and hopefully not to much severe weather.
Went outside this morning and it just smelled like spring. We have pre-budding on some of the oaks. The Japanese cherry tree is still mostly dormant though that should change soon.

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My grass is about 85% green now. Been cutting it once a week for a few weeks. Already Spring down here and Pollen has peaked as well. The tress have been slow to bloom but everything else is past bloom or at peak.
As warm as this winter has been I’m pretty sure the 2016 / 2017 winter was worse. Snow wise We only had a trace and like 2-3 flurry events here. January was really warm and probably the worst January I’ve experienced as far as warmth. At one point I went like 18-19 days without dropping below freezing which is unheard of this far north In the dead of winter. Usually even in the warmer winters like this one I’ll rarely go more then 6-7 days without dropping below freezing for a few nights in a row. Last night I got down to 27.3 which about 1 degree below my average for this time of year. It looks like it’s going to get extremely warm this week before going back to cold Thursday night and hopefully not to much severe weather.
2016/17 was a Super El Niño. January was very mid mild after the storm early in the month and things really didn’t get cold again until late February and then March. Much of the Carolinas actually had a little snow event that year in mid March. Widespread 1-3 for most of the southern half of NC
Are we still looking at a pattern change at the end of feb-beginning of march or should I go ahead and start getting the lawnmower ready?
2016/17 was a Super El Niño. January was very mid mild after the storm early in the month and things really didn’t get cold again until late February and then March. Much of the Carolinas actually had a little snow event that year in mid March. Widespread 1-3 for most of the southern half of NC

2016-17 was not an El Nino winter. You're mistaking it for 2015-16.