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Pattern Fail or Fab February 2023 Pattern Thread

Last week of the month is looking interesting with models showing a SSWE and most of the cold air on this side of the Arctic.

Skeptical it traverses the troposphere. As of now today and one day next weekend give us our two BN days and the remainder of the month looks solidly AN. I know the effects of the SSWE would be down the road if at all.

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Favorable MJO potential to help drive the pacific, SSWE to help get some high latitude blocking and help lock in a nice -NAO and 50/50. Could eat air in the northern hemisphere is on our side of the globe for once. If you want a March snow, the ingredients are there for it.
Looking at the GFS and Canadian I would think our next real chance of a winter storm is around 10 days out. Verbatim the GFS would have a central VA - mid-Atlantic storm. But at this range we just need ducks on the water (cold air to our north and a storm in the east). The Canadian looks good as well (..with the ducks) and verbatim looks to be setting up for something good. Who knows. If we're going to get a storm we need something to happen soon. Clocks ticking.
Favorable MJO potential to help drive the pacific, SSWE to help get some high latitude blocking and help lock in a nice -NAO and 50/50. Could eat air in the northern hemisphere is on our side of the globe for once. If you want a March snow, the ingredients are there for it.
Sure. I would love a March snow. Why not. We haven't seen any snow in this craptastic pattern of a so called winter. Any anything to hold off the impending doom of the relentless heat and humidity right around the corner.
There is a type of cherry that blooms during the winter so that is a lot of what is seen. Thanks he Japanese will be opening soon if not already. Dogwoods opening in March would be early. Daffodils are out and some red maples are swelling but that’s it my way.
There is a type of cherry that blooms during the winter so that is a lot of what is seen. Thanks he Japanese will be opening soon if not already. Dogwoods opening in March would be early. Daffodils are out and some red maples are swelling but that’s it my way.
I heard some azaleas are starting to bloom in parts of GA !
Over here, it’s pink buds (I’m assuming some sort of cherry), tulip trees starting to show signs, red maples are blooming, fescue is greening. Definitely way ahead of schedule, this weekend probably slows stuff but later next week should speed it back up again, im assuming after next weeks torch, Bradford pears will probably start blooming
Over here, it’s pink buds (I’m assuming some sort of cherry), tulip trees starting to show signs, red maples are blooming, fescue is greening. Definitely way ahead of schedule, this weekend probably slows stuff but later next week should speed it back up again, im assuming after next weeks torch, Bradford pears will probably start blooming
This weekend won't slow it down. Its been cold during the day but still well above freezing day and night.
This weekend won't slow it down. Its been cold during the day but still well above freezing day and night.
I mean the cooler days taking down the ground temps somewhat, it definitely will have a little effect, but will be back to speeding up again this week, especially later this week when nighttime temps are in 40s and 50s
I mean the cooler days taking down the ground temps somewhat, it definitely will have a little effect, but will be back to speeding up again this week, especially later this week when nighttime temps are in 40s and 50s
We've done a decent job at holding off most plants minus the notoriously early ones but I'm concerned about the next 10 days really getting things excited. Current soil temperature is 48 but will likely be 60-65 by Thursday, that ain't good
How’s the EPS looking for fropa timing next Friday? If it slows down a few hours from the current look on the op models, may have a little 95 and points east slight risk day