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Pattern Fab-February 2020 The dark age

00z EPS backs up the op! Nice mean this far out...My eyes can’t unsee this...


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That didn't exactly back up the OP run... Way more nudged toward climo..
Huh? Do you even have the slightest clue how significant an ensemble snow mean of that magnitude is this far out much less how that’s been trending the last several suites? I see you’ve just been posting lately to troll and get a rise out of bloggers, so I’m not surprised
If someone could post all the individual runs of the euro ensembles that would be nice .. want to see the type of storms they all show
Heres where the Rubber Match starts next Thursday: Actually you can drop back to Wednesday and catch the ukmet on pivotal to capture the Genesis. The Euro doesnt hold back like the GFS, who digs down the California Coast. Canadian in between the Euro & GFS:
So this is the time period to watch 5 days from now , to see how the players evolve onto the playing field at that time, which in turn will dictate what unfolds the following Fri-Sat:



World Famous GFS: