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Wintry Dec 8-10th Winter Storm

Its still the long range so it may trend warmer, is the nam ever too warm?

There have been many cases where it's totally failed here even in CAD situations. What worries me is that someone with knowledge said a recent update from the NAM tends to be too dry in regards to QPF it seems lately. If that's the case, evaporative cooling could catch everyone off guard down this way as heavier precip moves into the area with a wedge actually flowing in strongly.
I'd like to add to my above post, that you can see when the heavier precipitation enters the Midlands area, on both the 00z and now 06z, that is when you see the quick change over.

Does anyone have hourly NAM model frames?
There have been many cases where it's totally failed here even in CAD situations. What worries me is that someone with knowledge said a recent update from the NAM tends to be too dry in regards to QPF it seems lately. If that's the case, evaporative cooling could catch everyone off guard down this way as heavier precip moves into the area with a wedge actually flowing in strongly.
Wow. Hopefully by the tonight Jim Gandy will have more of an idea for Columbia Shawn.
Icon model really have no idea how to handle wedge at all. 1036 High and the temps stay close to the upper 30s for midlands wow.
Something else thats not being talked about thats is concerning to me is the potential for moisture to be rob by thunderstorms along gulf coast.
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It shifted south a little and I see now that it came closer to the coast.
Yeah just minor changes well within what we should expect at this time period. It is always stressful for those living on the southern end of the potential. As long as the Euro/UKMet has no big shifts over the next two runs, we can start nailing down the details using the hi-res nam.
Yeah just minor changes well within what we should expect at this time period. It is always stressful for those living on the southern end of the potential. As long as the Euro/UKMet has no big shifts over the next two runs, we can start nailing down the details using the hi-res nam.
Isn’t their a 6z Euro now or CMC