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Pattern Dazzling December

What are your thoughts about getting the 2nd system to materialize?
Models are struggling with the energy left over, whether it gets left in western Canada, or merged into the pacific trough, we need a tall western ridge for a digging and successful system. Until models resolve that feature with it either it getting stuck in W can, or retrograding back into the Aleutian low, then it’s a 50/50 shot and a game atp
What are your thoughts about getting the 2nd system to materialize?

Need to see the same trends we've had w/ Thu-Fri over the next few days. Slower, more amplified wave digging southward sooner over the Rockies instead of the Great Plains. It wouldn't also hurt if the vortex in front of it got out of the way just a tick sooner. We're still at least 7-8 days out so lot of time for things to change for the better (or worse).
This is honestly a positive trend, if we slow down anymore and separate the vortex/SW anymore we’re gonna go from a ---- tilted wave to a wave that could easily amplify into a bowling ball View attachment 127430
Definitely gains a lot more separation in the latest frames than earlier. Would be a heck of a thing to keep that trend going.
Our shortwave slows down, but so does the big vortex. Can’t win.
It's the way the first storm goes that's really messing up how our overall chances are. It seriously would be best if this first system didn't cut as much because what happens is it slows down and gets in the way of the next wave, keeping it way too positive coming in to ever do anything. Had it swept in and kept cold vs lagged the cold behind it and cut we'd be having better chances. Unfortunately neither are going to be big for anyone outside of western areas of the south like Oklahoma. Best that this will do is maybe some mountain snow showers and light flurries outside is what I'd bet most on.
This is honestly a positive trend, if we slow down anymore and separate the vortex/SW anymore we’re gonna go from a ---- tilted wave to a wave that could easily amplify into a bowling ball View attachment 127430
still think there's a lot of room for amplification seeing that the s/w is still pretty positively tilted- i thought the ridge out west looked much better

trying to will the second storm into existence to prove bull city wrong
theoretically this second system would be so much easier to cash out on if we can get that ridge pointed straight up and taller.. but it’s just kind of leaning towards the NE not ideal at all. Meh. Hopefully we can keep the taller trend going.
This is honestly a positive trend, if we slow down anymore and separate the vortex/SW anymore we’re gonna go from a ---- tilted wave to a wave that could easily amplify into a bowling ball View attachment 127430
The ensembles solutions seem to show that with improvements and a handful of runs that may depict that scenario
i will say that bull city and his ilk (2nd storm naysayers) do have general inertia on their side, it did legitimately look like a few days ago there was a strong ensemble signal for some sort of slider. you can now clearly see- the trend is against us. don't know if there's on specific culprit other than some more extreme solutions relaxed in future runs and- it's just hard to get snow that far south lol. real shame. gfs-ens_apcpn24_us_fh222_trend.gif