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Pattern Dazzling December

The 18th system has always been more of an N. Ala/N. Ga. hope and a prayer thing. The key player to watch is the Great Lakes vortex's position and orientation. A little further NW opens the door for a little more moisture, but too much and it's just sprinkles.
U can include NW Sc in there. We often get novelty flizzards or a snow/sleet shower out of these. I believe it peaked burrels interest earlier so it peaked mine as well
Canadian looks good, tall western ridge and a system digging more, we want more and more digging, imagine. This by itself is good for cold to settle in and perhaps some flurries on the backside, take it south some more and things get a whole lot more interesting CF090751-C8DF-47C2-8479-D3CFA1906399.gif
LOL, look at the logjam of isobars as shallow artic air has to pile up and get across the apps

If any storm system has been somewhat consistent, it's that we are going to have some piece of energy flying with the Arctic front... Which will favor areas West of the apps.

Southeast would rely on a coastal low popping off or getting some Gulf moisture in after cold moves in.