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Misc Crypto trading

Doesn't look like I can trade this on Coinbase.....other options?
I used trust wallet. I buy BUSD smart chain, then use pancakeswap to swap it to EGC. here is a video. There are many others. It is easy after the first one. But, Snowman might be the better way. I do expect new highs here soon. It will be easier to buy in the near future. However, getting in when it is hard, is like beatiing the rush. They have AMA every other Sunday. Very important to watch. :cool:
There were three good posts on twitter today for EGC. Here is one of them. I suggest go read the others.

2:35 is my biggest reason to buy and hold

Is there any way to trade this stuff on the exchange or do you have to set up a digital wallet and all that?

I've been wanting to invest in the Metaverse but really haven't researched how. A token like this the best way to go about it?
The only part I understand is a wallet. I can't help you there. Sorry, I am good at the other stuff. I am not that hyped about Meta, But all the rich guys are. (so I will learn to be too. ) But, It will be part of their Crator utility. Said to be worth a ton in gold, and that is just one piece of the puzzle :cool:
I gave two that went 600% in 48hrs, Apple stock, EGC, and MXC went 150% in a few weeks.

LOL, I've been lurking here for years and my first post is going to be on a crypto thread. RMTX is another you nailed. I had to give that one a couple - few weeks as I waiting to see them put some semblance of a team together. I was 50/50 on RMTX or Metapets but in the land of 90% plus failures, I liked RMTX better. Thanks for the suggestions you've put out there.