Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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"Wearing or not wearing a mask does not mean a family member will or will not get the virus”
• Well, not absolutely. You see, masks protect your family member from a sick person transmitting the virus to your family member. If everyone thought the same way you do, that person would easily transfer Covid to your family member because they weren’t wearing a mask. Thinking of it from the standpoint of wearing a mask to prevent catching it isn’t really the correct thought here, but at least with both parties wearing a mask it cuts down on it even more.

“Like I said, all will be exposed at some point.”
• likely not true if people were to wear masks. I’ve never been tested positive for flu, and in 1918 100% of the population didn’t get Coronavirus. We can prevent mass infection, it’s only inevitable because of the steps we are not taking.

“I will be the one determining what I wear, and if I decide to wear a mask at the request of another, it will be my choice, not one made by lying politicians pandering for votes”
• Sorry if this point is lost on me, as a healthcare provider I have no choice. I wear a mask for 9 hours a day and have to chew my food behind one and social distance to pull it down to drink a sip of water. So seeing people make proclamations of their rights and preventing to wear a mask to a very short trip to a store or social area is 110% lost on me and is just selfish. My patients have died. I’ve lost friends to this and I have gotten it myself and recovered. So, just be thankful you’re living in your own world with your right to not wear a mask.

With your "Healthcare Provider" knowledge, does this seem legit or disinformation. (not my quote)
So Masks?
I am OSHA 10&30 certified. I know some of you are too. I don’t really know WHY OSHA hasn’t come forward and stopped the nonsense BUT I want to cover 3 things
• N95 masks and masks with exhale ports
• surgical masks
• filter or cloth masks
Okay, so upon further inspection, OSHA says some masks are okay and not okay in certain situations.
If you’re working with fumes and aerosol chemicals and you give your employees the wrong masks and they get sick, you can be sued.
• N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.
Conclusion: if you’re in Target and the guy with Covid has a N95 mask, his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Target (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out).
• Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are CLOGGING these masks very, VERY quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it, YOU become a walking virus dispenser. Everytime you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment.”
• Cloth masks: I can’t even believe I’m having to explain this, but here it goes. Today, three people pointed to their masks as they walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” they “pshh’d” me. By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. You mean the American flag one my aunt made? Yes. The one with sunflowers that looks so cute? Yes. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale, you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks your health, rather than protect it. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask.
-Ultimate Answer:
*N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person.
*The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale, (Like a vacuum bag, it only works one way) but likely stops after 20 minutes, rendering it useless outside of a STERILE ENVIRONMENT (correct Becky, they don’t work in a bar, not even a little bit).
*Cloth masks are WORSE than none. It’s equivalent to using a chain link fence to stop mosquitos.
The CDC wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work. They’re being used to provide false comfort and push forward a specific agenda. For the love of God, research each mask’s designed use and purpose, I bet you will find NONE are used in the way of “viral defense.”
Just like EVERY Flu season kids, wash your hands. Sanitize your hands. Don’t touch stuff. Sanitize your phone. Don’t touch people. And keep your distance. Why? Because your breath stinks, your deodorant is failing, your shoes are old and stink, that shirts not clean, & I like my space. Trust me I can hear you from here. Lots of reasons to keep your distance and work on body hygiene. But trust me, the masks do not work.
*Occupational Safety & Hazard Association sited.
The top American organization for safety.
They regulate and educate asbestos workers, surgical rooms, you name it.
I know, facts suck. They throw a wrench into the perfectly (seeming) packaged pill you are willingly swallowing. Facts make you have to form your OWN OPINION, instead of regurgitating someone else’s, and I know how uncomfortable that makes a lot of you. If your mask gives you security, by all means wear it. Just know it is a false sense of security and you shouldn’t shame anyone into partaking in such “conspiracies.”
If select politicians stopped enforcing it, no one would continue this nonsense. Don’t drink the kool-aid
We have historical records to go on here. You whine and cry about freedoms and the govt taking things away. We see photos of complete mask compliance in 1918. People at a baseball game with everyone wearing masks.

Now tell me what long standing rights were taken away by that and what didnt those people get back after the mask orders were lifted?
I’d wear a mask everywhere if it means baseball and football can go on!
Yes we spend time inside during the summer, but it is widely known viruses become seasonal due to more people indoors during winter.

Mask wearing can ease once cases drop after a vaccine. We had an opportunity to slow the virus much like other counties have done. We don’t have that opportunity anymore, and people who don’t wear masks like yourself are the reason we are in this predicament.

The touch your faces argument is absurd. Wash your hands. People have itches on their nose and face daily and touch their face without a mask constantly. Wearing a mask makes you hesitate to bite your nails or pick your nose, because there’s a freaking mask there when you reach up to do so!
I am not the reason for this predicament. I don’t have a corona virus infection. You’re are dead wrong there. Vilifying others who don’t think like you is what is causing problems.
With your "Healthcare Provider" knowledge, does this seem legit or disinformation. (not my quote)

That is what I cant understand about the masks. I remember reading articles in 2009 during the Swine Flu and they stated basic masks do absolutely no good once the are wet from breath so it only works for a very short time period and that makes sense.

The back and forth on masks make my head hurt.
With your "Healthcare Provider" knowledge, does this seem legit or disinformation. (not my quote)

Yes I’m a HCP. But yes, that is a huge load of ---- quote. Virus particles do not float out of your mouth or lungs in their purest form as a singular particle. Viruses are trapped in saliva in the form of water droplets and mucous, especially if you’re coughing. The filtration of n95 when worn properly would halt the transmission of these viruses. The other masks listed might have a point, but I’d also missing one important favor. When talking in close range, spit can expel form the mouth. Have you ever accidentally been talking and a spit droplet flies out? Happens daily to many. Wearing a face covering prevents that from occurring, whether it’s cloth or surgical.

It’s important to note that none of this is perfect and in order to stop transmission completely we’d all have to be in hazmat suits. There’s always a “better option” but at some point it gets ridiculous. The best option is anyone in America never leaving their homes for a few weeks at all, that’s not possible. Best thing to do is to do your best, don’t be an ass, trust science as this is a novel coronavirus. Even the experts are learning as we go here.
I'd just like to add that I hope counties can look at my county for how to limit the spread of covid. Per the GA DPH covid-19 report, we have 756 confirmed cases and 15 deaths TOTAL, out of a population of about 250,000. That's a .3% infection rate. Lowest by far of any metro Atlanta county by far, half of neighboring counties Gwinnett and Fulton and 1/5 of Hall, although they have tons of chicken plants to blame for that.

I wonder if it's due to the higher income, low minority population, lack of any touristy spots, or only 1 chicken plant. Or a combination of all of that. Our Board of Commissioners has actually done a pretty good job at originally implementing social distancing rules back in March, but by now everything is open; our parks are about to fully open. I've worked from home fulltime since March, and if I have to go into the office, which I've done twice since, we have to wear a mask and get temperature checked.

Should also add almost no one wears a mask here.
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I am not the reason for this predicament. I don’t have a corona virus infection. You’re are dead wrong there. Vilifying others who don’t think like you is what is causing problems.

Ok whatever makes you feel better. Doubt science and spew conspiracy theories. It must be so hard to live a life doubting experts and the smartest minds in the world. Good luck.
I'm am curious about the whole mask thing. The CDC recommends making a cloth mask to prevent the spread.

First problem, I would bet 99% of homemade masks are cotton which hold moisture.

Second problem, the more moist the cloth, the harder to both breathe through it and expel CO2. Either it will go around or blow the moisture back into the air.

Third, problem assuming the above are true and it prevented the spread of Covid19 for 15 minutes. Is the "I'm not spreading" safety factor giving many a false sense of security and staying in stores longer and getting closer to others.
We’ve also discussed on this thread numerous times why we want to delay the virus from spreading. What do you suppose is gonna happen to the death rate when the hospitals are full and run out of oxygen?
But yes let’s listen to some random shmuck on an obscure Internet forum and use absolutely no common sense and keep everything open normally because we gotta save the economy before we worry about people’s lives!
You do understand that the saving economy will save lives too. Which lives are more important to you?
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