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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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One thing I noticed about wearing masks and socially distancing... it works. At least for me it did this past year. Every year late fall thru early spring... Say November-March, I always get a couple respiratory viruses that usually end up in bacterial bronchitis with me running a low grade fever and coughing up a bunch of goo. A rocephin shot and a round of antibiotics usually knocks it out in 3-7 days. I usually get a stomach virus too when those are going around. This year with the mask and socially distancing (most of the time not all), I was completely healthy all summer, fall, and spring. Next winter, even if Covid is minimal and I'm vaxxed... I may wear a mask again until April to try to keep the other bugs away
One thing I noticed about wearing masks and socially distancing... it works. At least for me it did this past year. Every year late fall thru early spring... Say November-March, I always get a couple respiratory viruses that usually end up in bacterial bronchitis with me running a low grade fever and coughing up a bunch of goo. A rocephin shot and a round of antibiotics usually knocks it out in 3-7 days. I usually get a stomach virus too when those are going around. This year with the mask and socially distancing (most of the time not all), I was completely healthy all summer, fall, and spring. Next winter, even if Covid is minimal and I'm vaxxed... I may wear a mask again until April to try to keep the other bugs away
Yeah I didn't even get sick Cold or flu all winter and I usually get a couple of colds.
Johnson and Johnson update

Had a weird round of chills at work after I ate dinner I thought I was gonna get sick but it never happened and went away after a bit other than a very dull headache nothing to report so far otherwise the arm barely is even sore

Still waiting to see how I sleep but I did pick the opposite side from the side I favor so I'm not overly worried about that. I really thought when the chills happened earlier it was gonna be a long night but so far so good
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If you don't want to mask and are fully vaxed... I wouldn't worry about it. I'm fully vaxed and I have been wearing my mask less and less. I probably only wear it 25% of the time now when I'm out and that's when I think I will be around a crowd.
Doesn’t stop people from giving you dirty looks like you’re some anti-mask, alt-right maniac, though. In any case, I had an interesting experience last night. I went to one bar and it was like peak Covid with masks, insane degrees of social distancing (like you had to order online from your table and the waiter would put the drinks on a table next to yours because they didn’t want to ever get within six feet of you), etc. Then I went to another bar which had dropped all Covid precautions and it was basically 2019 in there. Guess which one I am more likely to return to?
Doesn’t stop people from giving you dirty looks like you’re some anti-mask, alt-right maniac, though. In any case, I had an interesting experience last night. I went to one bar and it was like peak Covid with masks, insane degrees of social distancing (like you had to order online from your table and the waiter would put the drinks on a table next to yours because they didn’t want to ever get within six feet of you), etc. Then I went to another bar which had dropped all Covid precautions and it was basically 2019 in there. Guess which one I am more likely to return to?

Around here most businesses ha e already taken down their mask signs. Theyve been replaced with signs saying things along the lines of "if you're vaxxed no mask required If not we recommend you wear one". Even the gas stations have taken down their plexiglass barriers and their employees are maskless.

I tend to read the room. If some look nervous or unsure I have no issue wearing one. If everyone seems chill it will come off.
Horrible night last night couldn't sleep for awhile and constantly hot got sick a couple times I guess I eventually fell asleep because I don't feel like I missed sleep and I seem to be ok today so far

Somehow I cleared the temperature check at work I bet I wouldn't have in the middle of the night
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Just got word from my pulmonologist that I still showed antibodies, not real surprising being I’m only 3 months post Covid. Gastro dr prescribed me Xifaxan to “reset” my gut after taking clindamycin and doxycycline. She seems pretty confident that this should also help the extreme belching and bloating. She gave me samples for a 10 day treatment, this med costs over $1,000 without insurance ?. If this doesn’t help, then I guess the scope would be next. Leg wound is healing nicely, no more packing it. Changing dressing every 2 days now, they said probably be healed up good in 2-3 weeks
Just got word from my pulmonologist that I still showed antibodies, not real surprising being I’m only 3 months post Covid. Gastro dr prescribed me Xifaxan to “reset” my gut after taking clindamycin and doxycycline. She seems pretty confident that this should also help the extreme belching and bloating. She gave me samples for a 10 day treatment, this med costs over $1,000 without insurance ?. If this doesn’t help, then I guess the scope would be next. Leg wound is healing nicely, no more packing it. Changing dressing every 2 days now, they said probably be healed up good in 2-3 weeks

Medrx app sometimes has meds under insurance price just a FYI
I stand corrected I meant goodrx not medrx. That's the app most people have no clue how much they could save if they used.
Anyone interested can download the app then they put in their medication and their ZIP code It shows up where it's cheapest.
Horrible night last night couldn't sleep for awhile and constantly hot got sick a couple times I guess I eventually fell asleep because I don't feel like I missed sleep and I seem to be ok today so far

Somehow I cleared the temperature check at work I bet I wouldn't have in the middle of the night

Much much better night last night I don't remember even waking up at all. I'm at the 48 hour mark now so I think I'm pretty much in the clear now that was a heck of a ride I don't care to go through again

Throat is still sore from the coughing the night before arm doesn't hurt at all
Well with the second Moderna shot this week I had a bit of a stiff neck earlier in the week the day after but really nothing else because I think my other problems were "female related".

I really don't think there's any reason to fear these shots but if you had a bad experience with a Meningitis shot for example (referring to Jimmy's story that I've seen in here), I understand not wanting to take the shot.

I will say that I do not know if I'm going to take any boosters though. All depends on what's going on in the fall. If they're required for something I'm doing then I will but if not, then if things look like the way they do right now or even better then probably not.

The only thing that really concerned me btw was the variant in Brazil that at least is apparently affecting younger people more. If that wasn't a thing I'd have been reluctant.

Edit: But "take the vaccine and you won't have to wear a mask" is likely good enough bait that it'd get me to take the vaccine, because at about the week mark or maybe two I'm going to try out not wearing one in public again.
Conspiracy theorists are winning, unfortunately.

This has been crystal clear from the beginning. Unfortunately, the truth is heavily politicized, and people are too easily blinded by the political theater and ideology.
There was a video explaining all this early last March, but, it was scrub off the internet I believe. It showed the labs website of the workers , that died earlier from covid, if any one wants to look it up.
Didnt fit the political narrative,objective of the MSM. "The China Virus." look at the damage this did and one side just turns a blind eye. Just gave communist China the green flag to keep on keeping on. Amazes me the infatuation several have in sideing with these clowns. Making excuses and enabling a COMMUNIST China power grab on the world stage. China has over 1200 concentration camps, disastrous human rights. Yet the MSM and Government not only refuse to call them out, but defend, stand firm against anyone who does. Sickening
Please explain how flu was basically non existent worldwide if not for the masks. Masks do work when used properly.

Social distancing is likely a much bigger factor imo. Also, the N95 type of mask is the most effective mask by a good margin. A surgical or cloth mask isn’t nearly as effective. In addition, fist or arm bumping as opposed to hand shaking and increased hand washing/use of hand sanitizer are both very helpful. My point is that if everyone wore a surgical mask (not N95) but there was no social distancing, people continued to shake hands, and there wasn’t increased hand sanitizing/washing, there’d likely have still been an active flu season with only modest reduction. My point is that whereas mask wearing was helpful, it was not nearly the only factor.

Aside: I plan to continue fist bumping as opposed to hand shaking as much as possible for the foreseeable future. I had already been doing some of that before Covid.
This backs up the point I made a week or so ago.

This sentence said it all , “Plus, as an introvert, masks give her comfort.” It’s just socially inept people finding a crutch for their social ineptness instead of actually attempting to toughen up and socialize . Virtually every person in the article found it as a safe space lmao. Whatever if you want to wear your weakness on your face go for it .
Bonus for employers : if the person walks in wearing a mask and they wrote on their resume good with people you now have a great way to call bs.
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