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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Interesting thread about the sequencing of the Coronavirus. The scientist here is worried there’s a massive outbreak currently in Washington.

He found a variant/mutation in a gene sequence (this is where nucleotides differ in a small portion of a gene, for instance in his screenshot it looks like a A is replaced with a T)

A good way to understand this is comparing two strands of DNA in humans. Variants occur in any genome, this isn’t just a virus thing it’s genetics.

You can see a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is the only thing that separates these two strands from being identical...a substitution in a single nucleotide pair.

This makes it pretty easy to identify specific gene mutations, and thus, virus/strain mutations...where they’re going and how long they’ve been in certain areas. This isn’t good for Washington.

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I read earlier in the week that Wuhan received a 50 ton shipment of vitamin C. ?? No other details were available.

Vitamin C in high doses is apparently a wonderful treatment option. I got bird flu while serving in Afghanistan in 2010. They treated me with high dose Vitamin C and it turned my symptoms around in 24 hours
Vitamin C in high doses is apparently a wonderful treatment option. I got bird flu while serving in Afghanistan in 2010. They treated me with high dose Vitamin C and it turned my symptoms around in 24 hours
I've been following this story since December, the only info on the virus is mild coldlike symptoms or death, highly contagious, and should die off in warm humid conditions.? Won't hurt to give it a try vitamin C, elderberry syrup........
Vitamin C in high doses is apparently a wonderful treatment option. I got bird flu while serving in Afghanistan in 2010. They treated me with high dose Vitamin C and it turned my symptoms around in 24 hours

Not only treatment but a preventative in general during cold season.

My go to is Airborne and 1000mg of elderberry (not joking and no I don’t believe in essential oils, but elderberry actually has support from clinical trials — people always give me a funny look when I recommend this)...I usually take it if I feel like I’m coming down with a cold and it either nips it in the bud or shortens the duration. If we start to have confirmed cases in NC it will be daily until this virus is controlled.

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At this point I think it’s safe to say there is no stopping the spread of this virus. It’s already all over the world, you can’t shut down all the world economies and manufacturing now and my assumption is that’s probably why China is starting to open factories back up. It’s probably spread through a good portion of the US with the way people travel and there could be people who only have mild symptoms that are never diagnosed with it spreading it.
Not only treatment but a preventative in general during cold season.

My go to is Airborne and 1000mg of elderberry (not joking and no I don’t believe in essential oils, but elderberry actually has support from clinical trials — people always give me a funny look when I recommend this)...I usually take it if I feel like I’m coming down with a cold and it either nips it in the bud or shortens the duration. If we start to have confirmed cases in NC it will be daily until this virus is controlled.

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I am the same way, try to take airborne and elderberry especially if I fee initial cold symptoms coming on. It seems to drastically reduce the severity and length of them for me.
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I've been following this story since December, the only info on the virus is mild coldlike symptoms or death, highly contagious, and should die off in warm humid conditions.? Won't hurt to give it a try vitamin C, elderberry syrup........

If taking elderberry I would recommend extract capsules and not the syrup, as the syrup doesn’t seem to have a high enough effective dose.

Per this trial I’d recommend at least 900mg, so 1000mg capsules are a good choice. Quoting you but I’m just mentioning this in case someone wants to supplement with elderberry.

“The trial dose used here is similar with participants required to take two capsules per day (600 mg) during the priming phase (before travel, −10 until −2 days) and three capsules per day (900 mg) while travelling and overseas (−1 until +4 days).”

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If taking elderberry I would recommend extract capsules and not the syrup, as the syrup doesn’t seem to have a high enough effective dose.

Per this trial I’d recommend at least 900mg, so 1000mg capsules are a good choice. Quoting you but I’m just mentioning this in case someone wants to supplement with elderberry.

“The trial dose used here is similar with participants required to take two capsules per day (600 mg) during the priming phase (before travel, −10 until −2 days) and three capsules per day (900 mg) while travelling and overseas (−1 until +4 days).”

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At the risk of stirring it up, I'm glad you put this on here. All that I'm hearing is" wash your hands ", this is something else we can do that might help.
The people who should be worried are those with preexisting conditions or those who interact with those with preexisting conditions.
40%+ of the US population have chronic health issues, even if the number was less, it’s still going to get worse regardless
For healthy people it’s not going to be fun either
I serve on the board for a Nursing Home. We just have loosend back up several controlls from the flu season we are coming out of. Can't afford to have this bug make it on site. Really concerned for that Nursing Home campus out in Washington.
40%+ of the US population have chronic health issues, even if the number was less, it’s still going to get worse regardless
For healthy people it’s not going to be fun either
Yeah, this notion of "but it targets mainly older people and people with health issues" is really not all that great of a perspective. I mean, who doesn't have people that they love who have health issues or are older?
Yeah, this notion of "but it targets mainly older people and people with health issues" is really not all that great of a perspective. I mean, who doesn't have people that they love who have health issues or are older?
Yeah, my mom, grandpa, lol 50% of my family pretty much has health issues like COPD, fibromyalgia, lupus, and other things, even me my self my immune system is not the best, my white blood cell count is low right now, which is why I’ve been getting sick almost every 2 weeks, I’m not scared of me getting corona, but I just don’t like the thought of family members that have chronic Heath issues getting it
I think this article makes some sound logic. I hope this is correct. It will be terrible if the public panic ends up destroying the Economy, not the virus itself. I myself have purchased some mre's, face masks and a few other things just in case.

Yeah, my mom, grandpa, lol 50% of my family pretty much has health issues like COPD, fibromyalgia, lupus, and other things, even me my self my immune system is not the best, my white blood cell count is low right now, which is why I’ve been getting sick almost every 2 weeks, I’m not scared of me getting corona, but I just don’t like the thought of family members that have chronic Heath issues getting it
lol right. I keep hearing “preexisting conditions.” And I’m like “Damn, I got those.”
At least stock futures are currently up slightly as opposed to down. Maybe that’s due to China opening some things back up? If so, perhaps the low of this mess will end up being the intraday low of Friday.

We’ll see if this holds up. If so, perhaps this means things are not as bad right now as feared back on Friday. In other words, a worse situation may have already been “dialed in” to the Friday closing prices.

Edit: Dow futures remain up about as much as they were an hour ago. However, what I just realized is that they actually opened 300 down vs the Fri close and then quickly went as low as 550 down before major rally to where they are now, about 150 up vs the Fri close, a whopping 700 point rise!
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Sam's Club in my area is out of hand sanitizer, as well a gloves. I have 3-4 boxes of nitrile gloves on hand, but several folks were staring at the shelf where a single case lay empty. No issue with Lysol and wipes. Did score hand sanitizer at Wally World, bought 2 - 60oz refills and 4 of the smaller 16 oz sizes. I did notice a lot of traffic at Sam's focused on household cleaning items. The only thing puzzling me at this point is why after following an exponential growth, as of 2/15 growth is starting to level out. This was not seen in upper end pandemics, at-least from my research.

That is what I'm seeing as well. Still getting decent increases in SK, but that could be more catching up with the massive testing they are doing.

Another bit of bad/good news about SK is although one person died, the person must have been one of the critical patients because it dropped from 10 to 9 people critical. Only 9 people critical in over 4,000 is really impressive.
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