The most powerful man in the world doesn't effect world markets?
Not as much as you think or see.
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The most powerful man in the world doesn't effect world markets?
Not as much as you think or see.
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Exactly. Trump could potentially take control of the situation and lead the world in handling this problem. A lack of confidence in all world government at this time is driving this panic.It's pretty obvious that hardly anyone takes what he says seriously and contradicting his own advisors that are experts in the health field during a press conference & trying to give people a false sense of security when there is none certainly instills absolutely no confidence in anyone.
Major reductions in Asian industrial outputs, reduced commodities demand, the collapse of oil prices, disruptions to international travel and supply chains, currency exchange volatility, etc etc have far more impact on the global capital markets than anything the US president might say or do.The most powerful man in the world doesn't effect world markets?
I never said he was the cause, but he isn't helping like he could.Major reductions in Asian industrial outputs, reduced commodities demand, the collapse of oil prices, disruptions to international travel and supply chains, currency exchange volatility, etc etc have far more impact on the global capital markets than anything the US president might say or do.
Exactly. Trump could potentially take control of the situation and lead the world in handling this problem. A lack of confidence in all world government at this time is driving this panic.
You know why he hasnt, probably because hes in the same boat as us, holding pattern between cold that causes pneumonia in elderly/comprised, virus X, or in between.
Ive been reading at nauseaism ,keeping up since January and still have a hard time discerning exactly what we are dealing with here. So if you go full bore and it turns out this is just another strain of bad flu for practical purposes, then look at the uneccesary damage. Vice versa you go soft and it turns out to be virus X, then your playing catch up, instead of being out front.
Trump doesnt have the luxury of trusting a lot of government departmental personal. To many snakes in the wood pile that are working against this administration. Its ashame,but thats the way it is. I see nothing wrong to this point with the approach the administartion is taking. Really not much they can do except bend over backwarrds to suport the infastructure [medical facilities] be able to handle the demand . Highly contagious Viruses spreading are not controllable. Outside of practicing stealth hygene or total isolation, its gonna run its course.
You know why he hasnt, probably because hes in the same boat as us, holding pattern between cold that causes pneumonia in elderly/comprised, virus X, or in between.
Ive been reading at nauseaism ,keeping up since January and still have a hard time discerning exactly what we are dealing with here. So if you go full bore and it turns out this is just another strain of bad flu for practical purposes, then look at the uneccesary damage. Vice versa you go soft and it turns out to be virus X, then your playing catch up, instead of being out front.
Trump doesnt have the luxury of trusting a lot of government departmental personal. To many snakes in the wood pile that are working against this administration. Its ashame,but thats the way it is. I see nothing wrong to this point with the approach the administartion is taking. Really not much they can do except bend over backwarrds to suport the infastructure [medical facilities] be able to handle the demand . Highly contagious Viruses spreading are not controllable. Outside of practicing stealth hygene or total isolation, its gonna run its course.
Not many people remember how badly President Ford was lambasted for overreacting to the swine flu in '76.
The Long Shadow of the 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine 'Fiasco'
Some, but not all, of the hesitance to embrace vaccines can be traced back to this event more than 40 years
Just curious is there absolute proof, because you love to speak in absolutes, that Trump cares more about the stock market then human lives? Not opinions, but facts..... I mean those of us who are pro-life could certainly argue that every single Democratic nominee cares more about their position of power than human lives (over 40 million dead unborn children are pretty strong facts for that)This isn't just some "normal" market correction, the cause of the dip in the stock markets is directly attributable to a virus that has the potential to become a global pandemic, the likes of which we haven't seen in a very long time. So no, this isn't "normal" in any way shape or form. In this case, it definitely matters who's president because it's very obvious Trump has no absolutely no idea what he's doing and cares more about the stock market than human lives & he and his department are woefully unprepared.
Do you imply that there is absolutely no security within our country at this time? In general or specific to the coronavirus and if specific to the virus, that sounds like it's too late.... seems a little over board to me.It's pretty obvious that hardly anyone takes what he says seriously and contradicting his own advisors that are experts in the health field during a press conference & trying to give people a false sense of security when there is none certainly instills absolutely no confidence in anyone.
7%. Doubt we get there.When does the breaker flip? 10%?
10 yr yield was at 1.16% earlier!Crude is now down $2.50 for today and a whopping $7 for the week!
Well im going to Afghanistan in a few weeks so ill get a break from all this I suppose.....
I'm not comparing the pathogens; the point is that the executive branch will face severe political criticisms no matter what actions they take (or do not take).Comparing the 76 swine flu to CoV-19 is apples-oranges.
I've heard a lot of ppl saying those n95 mask orders are being canceled. I really didn'td anything we just went out to see the buzz around town. Ppl where talking about it. But traffic at the store was norm maybe a hair more ppl.. But the condoms being out of stock really made me laugh
I would rather wear a full hazmat suit and gas mask before I would wear a mask. N95 are good for short periods after your breath makes them moist I don't believe they are as effective,....wish I had a hazmat suit that would get killer looks in public
On market watch money pouring in now, but likely to red as all other makerts are down
Dow had 670,366,584 today wow
Citation please?
Think of all the young kids that have had chemo. My mom had chemo. They have suppressed immune systems
More like 60 million...but your point still stands.Just curious is there absolute proof, because you love to speak in absolutes, that Trump cares more about the stock market then human lives? Not opinions, but facts..... I mean those of us who are pro-life could certainly argue that every single Democratic nominee cares more about their position of power than human lives (over 40 million dead unborn children are pretty strong facts for that)
Whelp, it looks like Iran is at the tail end of their COVID crisis...
Applying essential oil to anus 'cures coronavirus': Iranian cleric
Iranian cleric Ayatollah Tabrizian has written extensively on violet leaf oil, which he says has miraculous
Sounds very Onion-esque to me lol. I hope people take it as satire.Gotta be like the onion. LOL
Some of you need to go study up on the Stock Market, what is happening isn’t new and happens a lot. Market corrections are needed to cleanse the market. Yes it sucks if you are planning on retiring soon but it’s needed. Doesn’t matter if a Republican is President or a Democratic is. We are overdue and it’s completely normal.
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He's a social scientist that specializes in anthropology. He's not a medical professional in any way. So his op-ed is what convinced you? Talk about irresponsible.
"it turns out this is just another strain of bad flu for practical purposes, then look at the uneccesary damage."
This post is really a huge load of bs. How exactly does preparing the American public for a virus that's spreading like wildfire in many parts of the globe and killing thousands of people w/ an infection ratio above 2 going to cause unnecessary damage. Not doing anything and it actually happening is infinitely worse. This is akin to being within the 5 day NHC cone of uncertainty with a major hurricane bearing down on you, and you telling everyone not to prepare because that would cause "unneeded harm" if you did so.
When basically very expert at the CDC says is likely if not nearly certain to become widespread in the US, then you should prepare instead of trying to blow off the virus, saying we have it completely under control when you've done absolutely nothing to prepare for it (other than elect inept people to high ranking positions) and make drastic cuts to important departments in the government that are intended to respond to crises like this and then blame the stock market crash on a democratic debate that happened after stocks tanked on Tue. This really shows how inept & ill-prepared the president and his administration are for CoV-19.
Hopefully you & other rhinos pull your head out of the sand sooner rather than later.