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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Just a rumor at this point

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Just saw this - if you own a small business in Georgia, the state has received approval to participate in the SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. The program offers up to $2 million in assistance to help keep small businesses operating during this crisis. The website to apply is now live.

This evening the county commissioners here in Athens-Clarke County will be voting on a "shelter in place" lockdown ordinance. The ordinance would prohibit all travel "including, but not limited to, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit, except Essential Travel and Essential Activities". Under the proposed ordinance, all businesses in ACC except "Essential Businesses" (food retailers, gas stations, banks, etc) would be required to cease all activities (except for "Minimum Basic Operations" - payroll processing, inventory management, technical maintenance, etc).

Restaurants would not be able to offer any dine-in service at all, but they'll continue to be allowed to provide delivery and carry-out.

How could this even be enforced? And what if I wanted to drive to a park to take a walk?
Just a rumor at this point

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I think they should just give the payments to everyone (a la UBI). This is going to embitter some people and cause division we don’t need right now.
How could this even be enforced? And what if I wanted to drive to a park to take a walk?

All of our public parks in ACC are currently closed, but outdoor activities such as "walking, hiking, or running" are exempt from the prohibition.
Meh, we aren't missing much since we both know they are gonna come asking for it back in 2-3 years.

Taxes in 2023:

"Did you receive assistance from the CoronaVirus relief stimulus package in 2020?"

I’m cool with nothing, I was hoping for something extra but it’s ok. It was going to go to waste in the market if I received it anyways.

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Saw this on Facebook and it really does set up a grim scenario if we don't work to flatten the curve:

Just a word to those throwing social distancing to the wind.. hopping on flights to Miami, “living life because I’m going to die of something anyway”, literally packing the beaches in Florida. I know people have tried to appeal to your senses to say “think about the others you can spread the virus to who will become really ill”.. and you ignore those warnings too. Because you think all of this is blown out of proportion.

Let me give you this warning.. I hope for your sake no one, and I mean no one.. you love or care about, needs any medical attention for any reason for the next 4-5 months.
Our hospitals and the healthcare system are on the very brink of becoming overwhelmed. We haven’t even reached the peak of cases yet and already ICU beds are full. We have 160,000 ventilators for our ENTIRE country. (ventilators are machines we use to deliver oxygen to people, they aren’t just for the critically ill, but are used in emergency and elective surgeries, and are essential for critical care in emergency departments and ICUs). Most of the year almost all are in use, especially during a bad flu season.
Even if you don’t have living parents or relatives who are in the high risk group and may become critical ill, if anyone you know becomes ill for ANY REASON, there will be no where to turn to.
Just know if your 6 year old child develops a fever and terrible belly pain and may have appendicitis, they will die at home in your arms, because no hospital will have capacity to care for them, let alone perform emergency surgery. If your sister is in a terrible car accident, and is bleeding internally and needs immediate surgery, she will die waiting on a stretcher, outside of the hospital, because the operating rooms are makeshift ICUs and are already full of coronavirus patients. I hope your favorite baby cousin with bad asthma doesn’t have an attack that requires an ER visit for treatment, because she will end up losing her ability to breathe, waiting for medical attention, from an already overwhelmed ER staff that doesn’t have a ventilator or the needed supplies to help get oxygen to her lungs, and her heart will surely stop. Hopefully your mom doesn’t trip getting out of the tub and slams her head into the sink and passes out, because she likely has an intracranial hemorrhage and would need immediate life saving surgery, however she would likely succumb to her injuries before EMS even arrives because 911 will be so overburdened with the Coronavirus response. God forbid you yourself trip and fall and break your leg, I hope you know how to construct makeshift crutches and a splint/cast, YouTube might have some videos... I don’t know.
I say all of this to highlight that it doesn’t have to be this way, if we #flattenthecurve but if we don’t, people will die, and not just coronavirus infected elderly patients that you seem not to care about, but everyday real life emergencies that I take care of in the emergency room, will be left to their own devices without medical care with a completely overwhelmed medical system.
I hope your spring break was worth it, and I pray your family and friends make it through this pandemic the way I pray we all pull through.
From your not-so-friendly Emergency Medicine Doc...
#flattenthecurve #socialdistancing #workingdoubletime #ERdoc #DCCOVIDresponse
We as Americans should expect a large increase of positive cases over the next few weeks as testing increases exponentially. That is no reason to panic. It could be a good sign overall. Yes it means there are many many more cases out there that we don't know of but it also means that most of the cases aren't serious or we would have heard about them with the hospitals being over run. In my opinion, we have to be real careful here about doing long term total lockdowns. What would the US look like if we were locked down for 3 months? 6 months? How much of the Economy will survive. Do we want to be living in a 3rd world country? These are questions we need to figure out the answers to make the right decisions. I'm all for being protective and saving lives but we have to use our heads here. Hopefully the malaria drug or others will really make a huge difference.
You have to be "real careful" asking some of the folks here to stay calm and not panic. Trust me on this! You will get your head bitten off
You have to be "real careful" asking some of the folks here to stay calm and not panic. Trust me on this! You will get your head bitten off

Dude, you really don't comprehend how bad this is, do you? You aren't helping or adding any valuable information with your snide remarks.
Yall wonder how the local Grocery Store is doing?

Had a guy who does our printing come through. Hes friends with Food Lion mgr in Stokesdale. Anyway that store grosses 16 million a year. In just 7 days as of last night it did 1.2 million. Probably would have done more but run out of product,tp.
You have to be "real careful" asking some of the folks here to stay calm and not panic. Trust me on this! You will get your head bitten off
Stay calm and don't panic, and stay calm and don't panic and go about your normal life are two different things. I'm calm myself and not panicking but there are people who aren't caring about social distancing that are putting everyone else at risk by spreading it around. They'll be responsible for dragging this out unless measures are put in place to keep them from disregarding doing their part.
Saw this on Facebook and it really does set up a grim scenario if we don't work to flatten the curve:

Just a word to those throwing social distancing to the wind.. hopping on flights to Miami, “living life because I’m going to die of something anyway”, literally packing the beaches in Florida. I know people have tried to appeal to your senses to say “think about the others you can spread the virus to who will become really ill”.. and you ignore those warnings too. Because you think all of this is blown out of proportion.

Let me give you this warning.. I hope for your sake no one, and I mean no one.. you love or care about, needs any medical attention for any reason for the next 4-5 months.
Our hospitals and the healthcare system are on the very brink of becoming overwhelmed. We haven’t even reached the peak of cases yet and already ICU beds are full. We have 160,000 ventilators for our ENTIRE country. (ventilators are machines we use to deliver oxygen to people, they aren’t just for the critically ill, but are used in emergency and elective surgeries, and are essential for critical care in emergency departments and ICUs). Most of the year almost all are in use, especially during a bad flu season.
Even if you don’t have living parents or relatives who are in the high risk group and may become critical ill, if anyone you know becomes ill for ANY REASON, there will be no where to turn to.
Just know if your 6 year old child develops a fever and terrible belly pain and may have appendicitis, they will die at home in your arms, because no hospital will have capacity to care for them, let alone perform emergency surgery. If your sister is in a terrible car accident, and is bleeding internally and needs immediate surgery, she will die waiting on a stretcher, outside of the hospital, because the operating rooms are makeshift ICUs and are already full of coronavirus patients. I hope your favorite baby cousin with bad asthma doesn’t have an attack that requires an ER visit for treatment, because she will end up losing her ability to breathe, waiting for medical attention, from an already overwhelmed ER staff that doesn’t have a ventilator or the needed supplies to help get oxygen to her lungs, and her heart will surely stop. Hopefully your mom doesn’t trip getting out of the tub and slams her head into the sink and passes out, because she likely has an intracranial hemorrhage and would need immediate life saving surgery, however she would likely succumb to her injuries before EMS even arrives because 911 will be so overburdened with the Coronavirus response. God forbid you yourself trip and fall and break your leg, I hope you know how to construct makeshift crutches and a splint/cast, YouTube might have some videos... I don’t know.
I say all of this to highlight that it doesn’t have to be this way, if we #flattenthecurve but if we don’t, people will die, and not just coronavirus infected elderly patients that you seem not to care about, but everyday real life emergencies that I take care of in the emergency room, will be left to their own devices without medical care with a completely overwhelmed medical system.
I hope your spring break was worth it, and I pray your family and friends make it through this pandemic the way I pray we all pull through.
From your not-so-friendly Emergency Medicine Doc...
#flattenthecurve #socialdistancing #workingdoubletime #ERdoc #DCCOVIDresponse

He forgot the economic collapse where people will be killing you for your food, eating your dog and will rally behind horde leaders with big guns.
Just a rumor at this point

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So I am being penalized for being to successful. Screw this govt! Yeah it’s easy having two kids and going to send them to college! Govt should remember I had kids! If I did not it would be less taxes to pay for their luxurious lifestyle and healthcare!
This new sensitivity about calling diseases by their geographic location is absurd. No one cared when we called Zika and Ebola by the names of their origin points in Africa. There's also "West Nile" virus, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), etc.
Yes the name and political correctness of it is the least prob we have.
So I am being penalized for being to successful. Screw this govt! Yeah it’s easy having two kids and going to send them to college! Govt should remember I had kids! If I did not it would be less taxes to pay for their luxurious lifestyle and healthcare!
No you are lucky to be successful and not in true need. Have some compassion
And of course the Spanish Flu. I don’t think calling it the Chinese Virus is derogatory.
And the truth is the only reason it was called Spanish Flu is not because it started in Spain but it was because they were the first ones to identify it.
So I am being penalized for being to successful. Screw this govt! Yeah it’s easy having two kids and going to send them to college! Govt should remember I had kids! If I did not it would be less taxes to pay for their luxurious lifestyle and healthcare!

Nothing has been finalized. I saw a report that said the vote that was set for tomorrow now won’t take place until the weekend . Lots of fighting ongoing . Lots of support for 2k a person and lots of support for 1k . Most believe the income cutoff will end up being closer to 250k

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You have to be "real careful" asking some of the folks here to stay calm and not panic. Trust me on this! You will get your head bitten off
So who’s going to pay for their medical bills if they intend up in ICU! Fox showed earlier 25-50 it was 48% needed ICU in this country right now that have the virus.
So I am being penalized for being to successful. Screw this govt! Yeah it’s easy having two kids and going to send them to college! Govt should remember I had kids! If I did not it would be less taxes to pay for their luxurious lifestyle and healthcare!
That's just rumor right now I'm sure. It needs to be universal and same across board regardless of income like other's mentioned. Think last I saw on twitter from Mnchin is 1k for every adult and additional 500 per child, but still speculations.
Dude, you really don't comprehend how bad this is, do you? You aren't helping or adding any valuable information with your snide remarks.
Well Ryan...In my most polite tone, I have some pretty high up connections that you don't have. Am I going to post the things I have knowledge of? I want to but it really isn't anything earth shattering that will help to ease your mind or anybody else mind that is panicking over this. This is a very fluid and complicated thing to get a handle on for everybody. I have indeed tried to calm your fears along with others but it really does no good because you feel exactly how you want to feel. I know I am in good hands, I am very much prepared and while I know this isn't a joke and I am not treating it like a joke, the end of American society as we know it is certainly not upon us. Misery loves company and its obvious you have a lot of company.
So who’s going to pay for their medical bills if they intend up in ICU! Fox showed earlier 25-50 it was 48% needed ICU in this country right now that have the virus.

You cant use their stats and then agree that testing right now is catching 99% of the cases. They are basing those numbers on reported cases which are the worst out there atm.
Stay calm and don't panic, and stay calm and don't panic and go about your normal life are two different things. I'm calm myself and not panicking but there are people who aren't caring about social distancing that are putting everyone else at risk by spreading it around. They'll be responsible for dragging this out unless measures are put in place to keep them from disregarding doing their part.
I agree 100%. I made a point on this yesterday. The millennials generation just doesn't seem to get it. Surprised? Not me......You cant fix stupid
Yall wonder how the local Grocery Store is doing?

Had a guy who does our printing come through. Hes friends with Food Lion mgr in Stokesdale. Anyway that store grosses 16 million a year. In just 7 days as of last night it did 1.2 million. Probably would have done more but run out of product,tp.

the flip side will be that no one buys TP, or meats etc for a month, meaning it all averages out.....where I work our orders are slammed since there was a run on what we make and the companies we supply ran through their safety stock, so now they want us to double up orders....but a few months from now we probably will see orders halved as sales drop since people bought 2-3 months worth this month.
Well Ryan...In my most polite tone, I have some pretty high up connections that you don't have. Am I going to post the things I have knowledge of? I want to but it really isn't anything earth shattering that will help to ease your mind or anybody else mind that is panicking over this. This is a very fluid and complicated thing to get a handle on for everybody. I have indeed tried to calm your fears along with others but it really does no good because you feel exactly how you want to feel. I know I am in good hands, I am very much prepared and while I know this isn't a joke and I am not treating it like a joke, the end of American society as we know it is certainly not upon us. Misery loves company and its obvious you have a lot of company.

Ahh, yes. I always trust people when they say, "I have high connections that you don't have." Yeah, sure... And if you do, isn't it somewhat possible that I do as well or another poster? Unless you're on conference calls with the CDC and White House I can only assume your connections are simply guesses from others. You aren't calming anyone's nerves by denying facts or telling others that they are going to, "bite your head off" for simply reading information that is readily available to everyone. You can't damn the general public for being anxious, depressed, and scared. Yet, that's exactly what you're doing. Show some compassion. Just because you are able to handle all this so well, doesn't mean everyone else can.
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