Someone crazy decided to stop looking at their screen and notice airplanes, personal drones, and it spun out of control into a corny narrative that conspiracy theorists lap up like koolaid. Your orbs are unfocused lights of aircraft, stars, and satellites interacting with atmospherics, the sun's reflection, and some are just normal aircraft. It's not that hard. People are so gullible especially now with garbage generative AI that creating hoaxes that are slightly believable is even easier than it used to be.Well until you offer me an intelligent explanation I'm going with what I have. The orbs are taking the drones down like they weren't even there so they aren't going anywhere. It's disclosure and it's about to change the world you live in whether you are ready to accept it or not
tldr, people are stupid and foolish for believing things that a 5th grade science class could explain easily.