This is probably going to come off as insensitive, and I really don't mean it that way, but this is true in just about every career. Millions and millions of people have very stressful jobs, often with over work, under-pay, shift changes, mental and emotional tolls, etc. This is a harsh reality in life and modern culture. Most people's jobs are harder than people (on the outside) have any clue about and feel underappreciated. Nobody likes to feel this reality or have the fear that they may lose their job. Ultimately it is up to us to adapt and reinvent as humans and individuals. This is a great example of why we should not give the government too much power over our well-being and vocational stability. It is not the government's job to make sure everyone has a job, and a steady one at that. If that is what people want, then we are in the wrong type of system in this county. Losing one's job or career is a true hardship for them and their family; no doubt. But this illustrates how having such a big government is not healthy in the first place. Anyone who is laid off by the government is just as capable of adapting and finding new work as anyone who has been laid off in a factory closure or small business that has gone under; and in many cases, better equipped. The government is too big and this has been in the works for decades. Now many of those people are "dependent" on the government for their jobs and well-being, and that is not a good place to be in, as history has shown us repeatedly.