I wasn't really seeking an answer just another's opinion in trying to make my point. I already have my answers based on my own personal experience and philosophy. I am what you would call a Christian Mystic if in need of a comparison which in my personal opinion is what Jesus was, a "mystic". The only real difference between myself and the more orthodox Christians here is that I don't see the bible as the final word of god I see it as a teaching guide to the life of Jesus the teacher not a book of rules that I had best follow or go to hell. I don't see the wrath of god but the love of him only. To me a loving creator does not manifest a beautiful universe of fear and suffering only to be explained away by the scripture of man who calls it holy inspired. I no longer put things in a box with a nice label on it. If you watched the video I posted above it explains where I am at in my journey (Not 100% but close). Where as as many of you are set in stone in your beliefs and will not waver from it (Because it works for you) I am constantly evolving and learning spiritually without or with as little dogma as possible. I went from the path of following the masses blindly (That is exactly what it was "I" was doing) to seeking a personal, direct connection to the creator. I do have Native American in my lineage and much of my spiritual re-route has been influenced by that for the first time in my life. I am actually trying to make things less complicated not more and it is working for me in ways I never imagined.......My point is pretty simple. My path is not the right path or the only path it's the path that connects me to the source of creation with no roadblocks to traverse along the journey. In my mind there is no right or wrong way or even a better way to have a relationship with the creator
Well you've asked a lot of questions so I thought it at least warranted discussion.
Sandbar, not trying to sound condescending, but I really do appreciate your openness and sincerity; I truly enjoy discussing stuff like this if people are able to do so without getting personal or angry.
Regarding the video, I watched it and I really think he misses the boat on a lot of points about Christianity in general and the Bible. For starters, he spends the first couple of minutes telling us why the Bible is not to be taken as the word of God, but then spends the second half of the video using scripture to justify why his views are correct. If the Bible is nothing more than a collection of sayings and suggestions then it has no authoritative value and thus, probably shouldn't be used to justify ones views.
If Jesus was just a man then he did not rise after his death and we should certainly not "pedestalize" him, as the speaker says. But if he was just a man then none of it really matters, we have no reason to trust any of it, and Christianity has no basis. In fact, if he did not rise, he was a liar and a fraud and should not be followed at all. If Jesus was who he claimed, then that changes everything and it is absolutely true.
He talks about guilt being a driving force, much like you talked about fear being a driving force. I truly hope nobody tries to force a faith or relationship with Jesus simply out of guilt or fear. If you were made to feel that way (or some of our other posters) then I am sorry for your experience. Those are real emotions of course, and serve legitimate purposes, but the reason to seek Christ should be for love, relationship and joy; and to be able to experience these forever; NOT because one feels guilty or afraid. Fear or guilt might well cause one to pause and seek, but should not be the
reason to have and grow in faith. Relationship with Jesus and God is about victory over guilt and fear, not embracing them. ("For you did not receive the spirit of fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship, by whom we call Abba Father!" Romans 8:14). I know very well that lots of Christians present it that way but they are missing the true and full experience of their relationship, and giving others a poor image of Jesus if they do.
You said that the Bible is "not a book of rules that I had best follow or go to hell." I agree completely, so I am not sure why that would discredit either the Bible or Jesus in your mind. Following the rules in the Bible does
not determine heaven or hell for people. That is the whole point of Jesus. Grace saves, not obedience. If obedience saved then no one would ever enter Heaven as no one can fully follow all the rules.
You said, "Where as as many of you are set in stone in your beliefs and will not waver from it (Because it works for you) I am constantly evolving and learning spiritually without or with as little dogma as possible." I think many Christians could say a very similar statement. I consider that my faith, beliefs, and understanding are
constantly being challenged, grown, and explored. If you were "following the masses blindly" then I think you were right to get out (not that you're looking for my approval). And I know there are a lot of Christians who do just "blindly follow the masses"; so if that turns people off of "Christians" then I totally get it. But that is why Jesus is the standard (if he is who he said he was) not Christians or the church.
There is so much more that could be said. I am not trying to talk you into anything or change your mind; you are obviously an intelligent guy with a moral compass. I am just trying to reframe some of the points about Jesus or the Bible that seem off base to me.